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Adopt a Hand Drawn Bear Stone

Come in and adopt a Bear Stone! They need loving homes, and would like to move in with you. Just what is a Bear-Stone, you ask, well it is an adorable teddy-bear that is colored to match the birthstone it wears around it's neck, so you can take care of an adorable little hand-drawn bear that matches your birthstone(or the one you wish you had, your boy/girl friend, spouse, child/ren, or just what month's stone you really like!) Now before you adopt

Okay, as soon as I upload all the adoptees I will have samples, until than you'll have to go on blind faith they are really cute. Here is a list of currently available bears& adoption codes
January: bearstnjan

February: bearstnfeb.

March:Aquamarine code:bearstnmar



June:Pearl code:bearstnjun
Moonstone(special-made) Code:bearstnemoon

July: bearstnjul

August:Peridot code:bearstnaug
Carnelian code:bearstncarnel

September: bearstnsept

October:Opal Code:bearstnoct
Lapis Lazuli(special-made)bearstnlapis

November: Topaz code:bearstnnov
Citrine(special-made): bearstncitr

December:Turquoise code:bearstndec
Blue Topaz Code(special-made):bearstnblutopz
Tourmaline Code(special-made):bearstntourm

If you choose a bear that is marked as a special make it will take a little longer to recieve than other ones. I'll get pictures up soon.
