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Star Sign: Cancer

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CancerJune 22-July 22

Cancer, the crab, is a sensitive water sign. It's ruling planet is the moon. Cancerians are very emotional, this is usually taken as being very moody. We will retreat into our shells in any situation we feel uncomfortable in, we are very self-protective as our emotional security is very important to us and we will seem mysterious until we feel safe where we are. This can make it difficult to get close to us, but if you do you won't regret it.Cancer's have a great deal of attachment to family(especially a caring mother figure, the home, and our closes friends. We are notorius pack-rats, avid collectors you might say, we save everything! If it came down to a competion between a cancerian and a squirrel, a bit of friendly advice: don't put you money on our bushy-tailed friends!

In relationships the cancerian would definately function as a care-taker. This cannot be taken advantage of though, we are very chooy in love and if we don't feel genuine love and affection in return, will most definately withdraw back into our shells, Unhappily attached we grow selfish and snappy, watch out for those claws! Most other signs can provide this balance, but cancer's are best paired with someone similar, not usually another cancer another watersign; pises or scorpio; would be best, or someone who values privacy and the home. Relationships are approached in responce to the early years. Someone who had a loving childhood will seek out people who provide them with the love they deserve. A chaotic enviroment as a young child(especially if mother was for any reason unavailable to you/them)will lead to co-dependant situations and stive to hard to please others abandoning their own emotional needs. To couter-attack this it is crucial to honestly face that past and find how it has affected the present to remind them of their own worth.

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