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Kitty Kitty Quotes

Welcome To my Cat Quote Page. I hope you enjoy these quotes. If U luv cute little kittens as much as I do I know you will!I will try to add more as often as I can, please come back and see all the new cute kitten quotes.

"There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats" -Alber Schweitzer.

"Somehow, cats just happen to you"

" There is no snooze button on a cat who wants breakfast" -Unknown

"People that hate cats will come back as mice in their next life" -Faith Resnick

"Cats understand every word we don't say"

"No heaven will not ever heaven be, unless my cats are there to welcome me" -Unknown

"Even the most overweight cat can arrange herself in thin poses." -Mr. Blackwell

" I have studied many philosophers and many cats. The wisdom of cats is infinitely superior." -Hippolyte Taine.

""I can't Decide if I have a cat or a cat has me"- Esther Marton.

"A meow massages the heart"-Stuart McMillan

"Cats understand every word we don't say"-M.Malloy

"Thousands of years ago, cats were worshiped as gods. Cats have never forgotten this." -Anonymus

"My husband said it was eighter him or the cat...I miss him sometimes" -?

"Time spent with cats is never waisted" -Colette.

"The difference between a cat and a dog is a cat can bark and doesn't" -D.J. Dodd

"The cat has too much spirit to have no heart." -Ernest Menaul.

"If actions speak louder than words, cats are always at the top of their voice" -Faye Castell

"My cat consantly rubs against my leg, making each of us feel infinitely better." - Ann Porter.

"Cats are infinitely friendlier than dogs. Have you ever seen a 'Beware of the Cat' sign?" - Leonared Grainger

"Cats come and go without ever leaving" -Martha Curtis

"Cats know...even before you do." -Paula Jenks.

"For the artist, a cat is a still life in motion" -Gloria Stroock

"The problem with cats is they get the exact same look on their face whether they see a moth or an ax-murderer." -Paula Poundstone.

"When a cat chooses you, you'v earrived." - Josh Kapp

"A cat can purr it's way out of anything." -Donna McCrohan

"What is unique about cats is their ability to actually be themselves." -Alisha Everett

"You hush a bark. You encourage a meow." -Jay Michtom

"You can talk a cat into anything he or she already wants to do" - George Otto

"If actions speak louder than words, cats are always at the top of their voice." -Faye Castell

"A cat doesn't take up much space...and even less if it has to." -Jean Jansen.

"Some cats is blind, and stone-deaf some. But ain't no cat wuz ever dumb." -A. Henderson Euwer

"Cats are femme; dogs are butch." -Laura Bellotti.

The worst cat I ever had was wonderful." -Marilyn Peterson.

"In nine lifetimes you'll never know as much about your cat as he knows about you" -Michael Zullo

"A cat can be trusted to purr when she is pleased, which is more than can be said for human beings" -William Ralph Inge

"A cat is a puzzle for which there is no solution" -Hazel Nicholson

"A cat can purr it's way out of anything" - Donna McCrohan

If a cat does something, we call it instict. If we do the same thing, for the same reason, we call it intelligence" -Will Cuppy

Emeow Me!