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And this is my updates page. This is where you'll be able to see what's been updated most recently. Check often. If you have any comments, click on the 'E-mail Thespia' link at the bottom of the page.

April 6, 2002- I noticed I'd made a big mistake in the first chapter of 'Baby Boom', so I fixed it. Included 'Looking For The Truth' in the Marriage Bug. Enjoy!

April 5, 2002- Added a new fic called 'Baby Boom'. Enjoy!*****Added another chapter to the 'What If...' fic, and I'm planning a contents page for it.

March 31, 2002- Created a table of contents for The Marriage Bug, which now includes 'A Cowboy And A Follies Girl' and 'Naughty Baby, Meet Your Match'.

March 28, 2002- I haven't been updating, have I? Bad, bad Thespia *smacks wrist* Ow. Anyway, I added a new fic to the 'Crazy For You' section about Irene and Lank. Be careful, it's rated NC-17.

February 15, 2002- Happy Valentine's Day, a day late. *makes face* Anyway, I added a request at the top of each characters page.

February 10, 2002- It'd help if I linked the pic to the page, wouldn't it? Fixed that. You should be able to go to the 1776 page now.

February 7, 2002- Whoops! Forgot to update the 'Coming Soon' and 'Credits' pages, I did. Enjoy!

February 6, 2002- Finally, I got the '1776' section up! *does a happy dance* Enjoy!

February 2, 2002- Added seven pics to the 'Crazy For You' art section now that my scanner's been reinstalled. Yay! Hopefully, I'll have some phanartwork for you guys soon. In the meantime, enjoy what I've added!

February 1, 2002- First of all, thank you, Lolly, for signing my guestbook. I really appreciate it. I made a little change to the last chapter of 'The Marriage Bug', so you might want to go check it out. Also, added a new 'Crazy For You' fic: Looking For The Truth. Enjoy!

January 22, 2002- I added links from each of the synopsis pages to the character pages whenever a character's mentioned. I'm hard at work on '1776', don't worry.******Changed the main pages of most of the shows to tell you how I learned about each of the shows.

January 21, 2002- I finally finished working on 'The Music Man'. That section's up, which means that the 'Credits' and 'Coming Soon' pages have been updated as well. Now to work on '1776'.

January 20, 2002- Uploaded the last chapter of 'The Marriage Bug'. Enjoy!******Added a song list at the top of the 'Crazy For You' lyrics page. I'm working on Music Man, I give you my word. Expect it sometime in February.

January 16, 2002- Posted some bad news in the 'CATS' section.

January 15, 2002- Added trip reports to the 'Crazy For You' and 'Phantom of the Opera' sections, but neither is as detailed as my 'CATS' report.

January 3, 2002- Happy New Year! I added six pictures to my 'Crazy For You' Fan Art section. Enjoy!******I redid my 'CATS' Fan Art section. Enjoy!******Can you tell I don't have much else to do? I added a trip report from when I went to see 'CATS' last September. I'll try to put reports together for when I saw 'Crazy For You' and 'The Phantom of the Opera', but I make no guarantees that they'll be as accurate or detailed.

December 25, 2001- Happy Holidays! Sorry I haven't updated sooner, but I had finals to worry about and then I was cleaning house. Anyway, I redid the fic pages of the 'CATS' section. Enjoy!

December 3, 2001- Wow, two days in a row! Anyway, added the lyrics for Act II of 'The Phantom of the Opera'. Now I can concentrate on the next show without guilt. Enjoy! ****** Changed the logo on my homepage to reflect the holidays. Expect more decorations soon.

December 2, 2001- Happy Holidays! I don't have any decorations up, but I will soon. In the meantime, enjoy the three fics I've uploaded: two 'Crazy For You' and one 'Phantom of the Opera'.

November 19, 2001- I got to see Harry Potter and the Sorcer's Stone! *does a happy dance; stops* Okay, now that that's out of my system, Added a new chapter to the Marriage Bug series, along with revising the third and fourth ones. Made a major change to 'The New Follies Girl'. I'm working on the second half of the Phantom lyrics, just need to find more time. (What's that?) If anyone knows where I can find information on 'The Music Man', feel free to let me know.

November 9, 2001- *whistles* Wow, it sure has taken me a long time, hasn't it? Sorry for the delay, but school kept getting in the way, and then I had trouble getting online. I could go on for forever, but you don't want that, do you? Anyway, finally added 'The Phantom of the Opera', uploaded a new fic series to my 'Crazy For You' section, along with another 'What If...' chapter and a story dedicated to the victims of the September 11 tragedy and their loved ones. Enjoy!

September 18, 2001- Before I say anything else, I would like to offer my condolences to the families and friends of the victims of the recent tragedies. *sniffle* Okay, what did I update? I uploaded the lyrics for Act Two of 'Les Misérables'. I also added a graphic for the main page of this section. Enjoy!

September 8, 2001- No, I didn't add any 'Crazy For You' fics. I added the lyrics for all of the songs from the first act of 'Les Misérables'. Act Two shouldn't be too far behind!

September 7, 2001- Added a chapter to the 'What If...' fic(s).

September 2, 2001- Added two 'Crazy For You' fics.

August 25, 2001- Added three 'Crazy For You' fics. Go read 'em.

August 17, 2001- Added the 'Les Misérables' section.

August 16, 2001- Created my musicals site! Yay! Welcome and please enjoy.

Coming Soon*Credits*Musical Haven*E-mail Thespia