Narrator - Anthony D'Alfonso The story of Little Orphan Annie, an orphan who longs for her parents to rescue her from the New York City Municipal Orphanage and it's mean spirited matron, Miss Hannigan. Annie has been played by Sarah Gearhart and Kelsey Cousley.
Molly - Mary Moses Pepper - Kaitlyn Spaulding Duffy - Angela Pochatko July - Nicole Powers Tessie - Madeline Pochatko Annie - Mary Pochatko Kate - Samantha Dickson Miss Hannigan - Kim Marriotti Other Orphans - Zoe Anderson, Lisa Leonhard, Erika Leonhard, Laura Seiple, Hannah O'Malley, Katie Jeffries, Sarah O'Malley
SONG: MAYBE- Mary Pochatko Piano accompaniment on a tape by Frank Stearns