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My Vanessa Encounter.

Well there was no prizes for guessing who was the star of the food and music festival last night! Vanessa totally took the festival by storm! There is no doubt that how many times you see her live, she always takes your breath away!

I went with Vee and a friend of her’s, Jaxx. We arrived at about 4:00 in the afternoon (Vanessa was not scheduled until 8:00). I must say I was rather shocked when I got there. There were hundreds of people watching the stage! Even though Vanessa wouldn’t be on for about 4 hours, the crowd was already bigger than the New Year’s eve one had been! People were sitting on the grass in front of the stage. It looked rather like Woodstock! There was a dancing mat directly in front of the stage. We managed to get a place at the front behind the dance mat.

Just before the last act before Vanessa came on, we were able to secure our spots right at the front on the dance mat. After they came off, Vanessa’s management started testing the microphones. The crowd began to become impatient. I noticed some small kids behind me struggling to see. Since I was taller and could see over them, I let them go in front of me. Unfortunately other people went next to them. The kids became impatient and left and I was stuck behind the other people. I had to resort all sorts of ridiculous poses to get my pictures!

A person came up to me and introduced himself. It turned out that he was Ask Me’s (from Amorosi.Org) boyfriend (Standupmono). He recognized me from the picture I had put up from my site. He showed me his pics with Vanessa, which were a lot better than mine were, let me tell you! I also noticed a familiar face behind us. It was the girl who standing next to me on stage in photo gallery 61. And it turns out that she’s Msbrezza (from Amorosi.Org)! Sascha also turned up. But she was rather nervous about talking (a lot like me when I met Vanessa!) She came up and said hi and took her place in front of the dancing mat.

Vanessa finally came on at 8:15. The crowd went mad! They’d been waiting for so long and she was worth the wait. For this concert she sang Blues songs. I can’t really remember what all of them were or what order she sang them in (I’ll find out later). I do remember some of the songs included, ‘I Guess That’s Why They Call It The Blues’, ‘Light My Fire’, ‘Natural Woman’ and the finale, ‘Piece Of My Heart’.

When she sang, ‘Light My Fire’ she wasn’t sure if The Doors originally sung it. She asked one of her musicians and they told her they did, but she still wasn’t convinced. It seemed rather funny to me that she didn’t know that. But nobody made fun of her or called out.

After she finished her first song, I roared out, ‘WE LOVE YOU, VANESSA!’ Just as everyone else had stopped clapping! She started laughing. I most likely took her by surprise. After each song I called out the same thing and made her laugh a few times more.

After she finished her encore, a few fans went backstage. We got behind the stage and waited. I said hi to Rod and he came up and had a friendly chat with me. The best thing about Rod is that he’s always happy to talk and answer questions. He never treats you like an annoying fan. I congratulated him on a terrific performance.

A few minutes later, a man handed out some pictures of Vanessa to the crowd. I took one, but someone grabbed it out of my hands, so I had to take another one. A few minutes, a very tired-looking Vanessa came out. She quickly signed as many as she could. After she signed mine, I went to the back so other people could get theirs signed. We went out the car park and watched her get into her car and leave.

This was another great performance. Although I didn’t know a lot of the songs, I really enjoyed it. If Vanessa ever decides to quit Pop, there’s no doubt she’ll have a great career in the Blues. Thanks for a wonderful evening, Vanessa!

Unfortunately, my camera jammed so the pictures didn't come out. Sorry.

Click Here to see two of Vee's pics from there!

Click Here to see my fourth Vanessa encounter!
