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My Vanessa Encounter.

Well, it hardly seems like a year since I first plucked up enough courage to speak to Vanessa. It was exactly to the day, a year since I’d seen her in the Docklands. There is one thing for sure. I will never get tired of her. Never. She is one of the greatest performers alive.

I met up with Vee, Jaxx and David at about 8:00. It was a few hours later before we all got to go in. Being the first in line, I was first in again, just like I was the first time I saw her at the Mercury.

Vanessa didn’t come on until after the countdown. But when she did, she made an explosive entry! She really seemed to be full of energy tonight. She was dancing around a lot and it was hard to get a photo of her. Luckily I did manage to get a few good ones.

When she started to sing, ‘The Power? she started to invite people up. To my surprise, I was one of the first persons she invited up. I thought after she found out I was the one screaming out, “WE LOVE YOU, VANESSA!?I’d be the last person she invites on stage. It was great being on stage with her again. Vee got to test her vocal skills when Vanessa handed them the microphone. Another girl who was in front of me got the chance when she took it off them. After the song was over, Vanessa thanked us I walked off the back of the stage, instead of jumping off like last time!

Vanessa continued on with her songs. I reminded her again that; ‘Light My Fire?is not a Shirley Bassey song. She laughed and said a lot of people have sung it. In fact everyone has sung it. At the end of the songs, I kept screaming out, “WE LOVE YOU, VANESSA!?She saw me again and looked straight at me and said, “Do you want to marry me or what? For the first time, I was stuck without a comeback. So I didn’t know what to say. For once, she made me laugh! Revenge after all the times I’d made her laugh at concerts!

A lot of the times she was dancing and her hair was in her face, making it hard to get a good shot of her. She didn’t do an encore, but when right on to her last song, which was, ‘Absolutely Everybody?

It was a great night. Mercury Lounge is the best place to go see her. It was great to start 2004 with a Vanessa concert. Hopefully, there’ll be lots more to come this year!

Go to Photo Galleries 116-120 to see my photos from there!
