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Vanessa News

For all the best Vanessa news and gossip, please go to: AMOROSI.ORG


-Some new pictures have been added to photo gallery 136 from Tom's site.

-Some new photos have been added. Sorry about the lack of updates, but there really is very little to update with. After 3 years it's been a long time as a webmaster. I think it's taking it's toll on me. I have heard Vanessa has contracted to a 5-year-term TV advertisement campaign for "Australheat". It is also rumoured that she will release a new album this year, but after waiting 3 years for 'Change' I wouldn't be to sure of it.

-Vanessa will be performing a free concert after the AFL Grand Final today (24/09/05). I can not attend as I have other commitments. I don't think it will be televised.

-A very happy birthday to Vanessa who turned 24 recently.

-I have found Whtiney's site again and returned it to my links.

-Sadly, I have had to delete Rebecca's and Whitney's sites from my links as they don't seem to we working anymore. Not much news, although I have made it so my links now open in a new window.

-I have arrived back in Australia. For the moment there is no word on Vanessa's new album which is supposevly being released this year. Apart from some shows in Sydney, she is mostly doing private shows. I'm hoping to take Tamar to see one when she comes over in January next year.

-New photos off the official site have been added.

-More photos have been added. A big thanks to Tamar for helping me get of my backside and updating my site!

- Here I am in rainy England with Tamar! She's helping me update and see what would be best for my site. More to come soon.

-Sorry it's taken so long to update. I'm going overseas to see Tamar ( Hopefully we will soon have this website updated soon. Thank you for waiting!

-Hope you're all watching Vanessa on Starstruck. It's great to see the public finally taking notice of her again.

-Vanessa's site has been updated. Have a look at it and decide if it looks better or worse. Also a new photo from there has been added.

-Sorry I haven't updated lately. My new girlfriend has been keeping me busy! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Look at the new photos in Photo Gallery 132.

-I've put a pic of Vanessa and Kate Cebrano in photo gallery 131. Check it out.

-Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I do have a new pic of Vanessa, but no news as of yet. I hope you people wil still come in, I know I've been slack. I've had a few personal things in my life, but I will still update. Hope to see you all here!

-Well I still haven't heard from Yahoo! I'm getting pretty sick of them. My site is getting a little more ad-free which is good to see. A new photo has been added. A note that two videos that I sent to are now on the site. It has been updated and looks really great now. Please go and check it out!

-Two new photos have been added to photo section 130. Still no news on when or if my site will be returned to Yahoo! search engine. I'm getting very upset with them as I was not even told why they deleted it and they are still not answering my emails. Still nothing new on Vanessa. This has been the slowest year since 2002. Hopefully her album will be released soon. I hope everyone will still keep comming to this website even though it's not on Yahoo! anymore.

-My site has been deleted from Yahoo! search engine for some reason. I don't know why. I'm trying to find out why and if I can get it back at the moment, but so far they aren't answering. I'll let you all know how it turns out.

-I have heard Vanessa is working hard on her album. That's good. Thanks to all that sent Ness a birthday message. If she sees them, I'm sure she'll appreciate tham a lot.

-Ness is still pretty quiet. I hate not updating, but I honestly can't think of a thing to say. Hopefully something wil come up soon. I may be wrong, but I think 'Change' has been scrapped. If you want more info, maybe you should e-mail Jack and ask if anythings happening this year.

-Well it's been a pretty quite year from Ness so far. No performances comming up soon or any news on the release of 'Change', if it ever will be released. Pretty disapointing, but it's really unfair to blame anyone without knowing what the reasons are. Also Angelfire has practically ruined this site with all their pop ups and ads. I tried to talk a compromise, but they wouldn't hear of it. I guess we'll just have to ignore them or get rid of the site. You can get rid of the toolbar by clicking the 'X' mark. It will come up again when you go to a next page, though.

-Three new photos have been added to the latest photo gallery. One courtesy of Tom's site. Sadly, I've had to delete Absolutely Amorosi off the links page as it no longer exists.

-More photos from Tom's site have been added.

-New photos from the Official site have been added to my photo galleries.

-Some great new photos have been added thanks to Tom's site. Look in photo galleries 125-126. Not much news about Vanessa. If you hear anything, please don't hesitate to tell me. Another thing, Amber's site (absolutelyamorosi) has been closed due to inactivity.

- A new photo from the Herald-Sun has been added to the photo galleries.

-I have added some pictures of Vanessa at the Gay day out. She looks superb! Not much news except that she's doing a free concert at federation square on the 6th of May. If I don't have to work, I'll go, but it's not likely! Ness we miss you! Hope to see you soon again!

-Vanessa is doing a concert in aid of Children's cancer institute Australia on 29th in Melbourne and 30th of April 2004 at 7pm. Also appearing will be Jimmy Barnes, Diesel and Glen McGrath. To Book, contact Martine Butcher on 1800 804 275 (ph), 1800 804 274 (fax) or email at

-Ok I was wrong, there was a dog food commercial, unfortuantly, mostly it is shown with Vanessa's bit cut out. Fortuantly thanks to someone who emailed me, I have a picture of it in my photos section. Have a look at Tom's site to see a videoclip of it!

-Ok there was no dog food commercial. I got my facts mixed up. Sorry! Sexy new photos have been added thanks to Tom.

-Not much news except that Vanessa is apparently appearing in a dog food commercial for Pal. Keep your eyes peeled for that one!

-Sorry I haven't updated lately. Been rerally busy. More photos has been added, including the ones I took at her performance in St Kilda.

-I have deleted a certain person's post from my guestbook. Although I liked the way she had the guts to critizise my site to help me improve it, she was abusive and used foul language. I like people helping me with my site, but please watch the language, hey? This site is for people of all ages and foul language will not be tolerated. Also, please critizise, but don't abuse me. I want my site to be the best it can for Vanessa fans.

-Vanessa is in America trying to help promote Australian talent overseas. Hopefully she'll further her career there. I hope American see what a great talent she is and what a big potential she has to make it big over there.

-I have removed a certain person from my Vanessa Enocounters and my picture with Vanessa photos at their request.

-Apparently Ness broke her arm loading a car. Hopefully she'll be better soon. Poor girl!

-The last photos are up! Check 'em out!

-Sorry about the delay! I put the review of the Mercury Lounge and some photos up. More to come!

-Merry Christmas from Vanessa Amorosi Forever! You made my first year very enjoyable! Have a safe new year and look out for my Vanessa encounter from the Mercury Lounge soon!

-Ok! The photos are up in photo galleries 115-116. Enjoy! More will come from the Seymour and Mercury Lounge gig (hopefully!)

-Sorry about all the non-updates! I'm going to see Vanessa at Seymour on Sunday and at the Mercury Lounge on New Years. So expect some more Vanessa Encounters! Also new photos will be up in the next few days Hopefully!)

-Taking a suggestion, my guestbook now opens in a new window, you you can sign it while you're still browsing!

-A new photo has been added to the photo galleries.

-Some of you may have noticed that some of my photos are on the official site! Glad to see that someone likes my photos enough to put them on their site. I'm hoping this will ease any tensions between the official site and all other fansites.

-I've added two more of my Mercury lounge concert photos to the photo galleries. They are really small because I had my finger in the way of the camera, so I had to cut it out. But they still look very nice.

-Yup! Vanessa was on 'Love Is In The Air- Stories Of Australian Pop Music'. She did a short interview on the lyrics for 'Shine'. Basically it was the same thing she said in the book of the same title. Also if you've noticed, there's a new DVD on my DVD/Video credits section.

-All photos have been fixed! Make sure to watch 'Love Is In The Air- Stories Of Australian Pop Music' 7:30 on ABC tonight! I don't know if Vanessa will be doing an interview or not, but she'll definently be on there!

-Wow! What a concert! Vanessa was brilliant. I won't say too much here, so go have a look in my Vanessa Enounters section. Check out the brilliant photos in photo galleries 110-114 (one is not working. I'll fix it tomorrow). Also a new DVD has been found that has Vanessa on it so check it out on the DVD/Video section.Also,c heck out Vanessa on 'Love Is In The Air- Stories Of Australian Pop Music' tomorrow night.

-New photos have been added. Today I'm going to see vanessa at the Mercury Lounge! Hopefully I'll get some nice pics and my camera won't jam! I'll do a Vanessa Encounter either tomorrow or the next day.

-A Great new photo has been added to the photo galleries!

-Okay, Ness wasn't on 'Love Is In The Air- Stories Of Australian Pop Music' last night. But the preview from next weeks' show showed her singing 'Shine', so she'll definently be on it next week! Be sure to watch it!

-Okay I think I've found a new solution for the pictures problem. It may only be a temporarey solution though. I've put some new pics in the Photo Galleries if you want to have a look. Also, watch 'Love Is In The Air- Stories Of Australian Pop Music' 7:30 on ABC tonight. If Vanessa is not on tonight, she's sure to be on the last episode next week!

-A lot of people were having trouble viewing my pics on my site because I uploaded them on Geocities. I've put them on Freeservers, so hopfully, you won't have anymore trouble viewing them.

-Brilliant new photos have been added thanks to Tom!

-A New photo has been added. Be sure to watch, 'Love Is In The Air- Stories Of Australian Pop Music' 7:30 on ABC tonight. Ness may not be on tonight, but she'll probably be on soon!

-New photos have been added thanks to Tom.

-For some reason some of the pictures are not showing up on some servers. They show up on mine, but some people have told me that there is no picture on theirs. I'm not sure why this is happening, I've asked Geocities about it, and I'm waiting for their answer.

-Okay some good news. I have managed to get most of my photos back on the site. Unfortuantly all of the ones in Photo Gallery 91 and one in Photo Gallery 92 were lost, so I had to replace them. Fortuantly the pictures I replaced them with are just as good. If you have time, check them out. Also there are news photos in Photo Gallery 104, 105 and Photo Gallery 106. Make sure to watch 'Love Is In The Air- Stories Of Australian Pop Music' tonight. It is focusing on Women in Pop music, so Ness might be on there! 7:30 on ABC. Keep you eyes peeled!

-Good news peeps. I found a place to upload some files. So hopefully I'll have all the files I lost back soon. A few files have been losrt forever. But most of them will be back. Just be patient. They'll be back soon!

-Okay everyone. Angelfire has deleted the website I was using to load most of my photos on. I'm pretty sure they did this because I was using another free site instead of paying them money to build up my bandwith. I've asked them for the official explanation, but they haven't said so yet. As soon as I found out why, I'll buy some more space. I've saved most of the photos, so you'll only miss out on a few when I get it fixed. For the meantime, every photo gallery past 90 wont be working properly. Sorry about this guy. I promise I'll get more space as soon as i get an official explanation

-New photos have been added thanks to Vee!

-Attention Australian Vanessa fans! In my last post, I said Vanessa made comments in a book called, 'Love Is In The Air- Stories Of Australian Pop Music'. Now ABC is showing a 5-part documentary on it. There HAS to be Vanessa on it because being one of the most sucessful Australian pop singers, it would be a crime not to put her in it. The first part airs this Sunday at 7:30pm. Don't expect her on the first show, because it's more about the earlier singers. Still worth watching though. I'll let you know when Vanessa will be on there, if they tell us what's on next week.

-Some interesting news. Late last year, Vanessa made her first foray into books with her section in 'Moments of truth- The turning points of 60 prominent Australians'. Now she's made some comments in a new book, 'Love Is In The Air- Stories Of Australian Pop Music'. Her co-manager, Mark Holden also makes some comments along with some of Australia's best know pop singers. Although she only has a small part, Vanessa tells of her bad experience in the UK, where they tried to get her to sell her body and some interesting stories about writing music, including the original lyrics for 'Shine'. Definently worth checking out!

-A few new photos have been added to my photos section.

-Hey thanks everyonme who stopped my and had alook at the new Vanessa Encounter. Glad to see you liked it! And a special thanks to those who signed my guestbook. That means so much to me.

-I put a scan of the autograph Vanessa gave me in the letters section. Check it out!

-My Vanessa encounter and pics from there have been added. Check them out! Also check out the My Picture With Vanessa section!

-I'm off to see Vanessa at Lilydale on Saturday. I'll put up a Vanessa encounter on Monday. I've put some more pictures in the gallery.

-Hey, Tom just reminded me that it's now officially a year since I first started Vanessa Amorosi Forever. I would just like to say it's been a pleasure running it. I hope you're enjoying it as much as I'm enjoying running it. A huge thank you to all the people who singed my guestbook. Hopefully this will be the first of many years of Vanessa Amorosi Forever. Happy Bithday Vanessa Amorosi Forever! Thank you for all your support. It's the people out there that make this site worthwhile.

-New photos have been added.

-The Australia of the Year nominations closed today. I sent them off on Wednesday and used express post. So they should have made it in time. Hopefully, they'll see how much she's done for chairty and nominate her. Thank you to all how helped with artcles and photos. New photos have been added. I'm up to the 100th photo gallery!

-Hey, I've got the letter from Australian of The Year Council. I have to get some articles, photos of Ness and her acheivements. If you can find them, please post them on Amorosi.Org in the Vanessa For Australian of The Year section. Also, I've added some news pics. Some are old one's from Amber's site and some are the new ones from Andy at the Ronald McDonald Charity Ball. Have a look!

-I've put new photos of Vanessa at her 22nd birthday party on the site (she looks fantastic as always). Also a few pics have been added thanks to Tom.

-I'm trying to get Vanessa nominated for, 'Australian Of The Year'. If you want to vote for her, go to to vote for her. Don't forget to mention in the voting form that she'd done a lot for charity and she's already done a concert against cruelty against amimals and she's doing a concert for AIDS in December this year. Come on guys/gals! Lets get voting!

-A German fan, Janine, has been very kind and sent me some wonderful pictures of vanessa. Check out photo galleries, 90, 91 and 92 to check them out. Thank you very much Janine!

-Two new photos have been added thanks to Ben.

-I'm using another site to upload my pics, so they may be a bit slow to view. Two new pics have been added thanks to Tom.

-A new pic has been added to Photo Gallery 89 .
