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Yes, it's finally here! The official CATS fan party in Vancouver website! Run by myself (Bal) and Obsidia (*asterix* @ the forum) the site will hopefully make things easier on all of us, as planning seems to be harder than previously supposed.

Anyway, this is basically a page to try and keep track of everything as it develops and see if we can't get something organized between those who wanna meet up forthe event. If you would like to contribute, please do send us information, or post it up at the forum, such as where you're going to be sitting so we can put it on our l'il Queen E chart if you'd like. And, of course, if we missed you or someone else...>^..^<

~Bal & Obs


06/24/02 we have a page up about the all important CAKE, as well as a profiles page for those who wish to introduce themselves a little before hand. Also, DaniLady is confirmed to attend. ~Obs

06/29/02 new profile up - 8 more days :D ~Obs

The Generalized Statistics

Date: July 7th, 2002

Time: Probably beginning in the morning or early afternoon, but none definite as of yet...updates soon.

Place(Still under speculation, thoughts & suggestions welcome): Library Square (It's hard to miss, is right next to Queen E, and visible from practically everywhere, as it's a huge coliseum-shaped library-thing, but...Email me for directions from a hotel or place as such.
It has also been suggested that we take a romp in Stanley park in costume, to chase squirrels and just generally hang out. ;-) If anyone's up for a bus ride, it's definitely possible. We can hiss at tourists....
And CATS, too, of course.

People Attending (if you'd wish to be added, confirmed, or removed let us know. confirmedindicates someone who has confirmed that they wish to participate):

confirmed~Balurina aka Bal [costumed]
confirmed~Emma [semi-costumed]
confirmed~Obsidia (aka *asterix*)[costumed]
confirmed~Lala/Jaime [costumed]
confirmed~DaniLady [Maybe costumed]
confirmed~Pascal [At least semi-costumed]
confirmed~Saffity [Costumed]
confirmed~Sylvani aka Cat [Costumed]
~Landon [not costumed cuz he's a spoilsport.]

Other Stuff

Of course, what's a fan party without....cake? Heh. Other miscellaneous things the purrtain to the event.

A map of downtown Vancouver, with the location of the Queen Elizabeth Theatre pointed out.

QE Seating Plans
...Who's sitting where, what night, etc.

The Forum
The official Planning Place of the Vanny CATS fan party. ;-)

Every party needs food...and stuff....

A who's-who of some of the vannycats

Vancouver Sites
Sites about Vancouver. If you'll be visiting the city for awhile these could be useful in

The official Troika Website The Current Tour Company's website...need I say more?