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the tail of Mungojerri & Rumpleteazer by Teazer and pouncey!!!

once upon a time thre were 3 little kittens i meen four there names were Jemima, Victoria, Rumpleteazer, & Mungojerrie. They lived in the junkyard like all jellicles do ....well some of them any way. one of the favorite places for the kittens to go was jennyanydots trunk. One day jenny had to go to the russle Hotel, she left the four kittens wiht strict oders "now kittens you may go in to the jukyard or the junkyrd proper, but you mustn go to victoiri a grove. Gus the theater cat had an accent there he was hit on the head wiht a broom. Now run along & dont get in to mischeif. Now jemima & victoria who were good lille kittens went off to play with Mistoffolees. Now Rumpleteazer & Mungojerrie who were bad lille kittens went to victoria grove & squeezed under the kitty door. The first thing they stoll was arjentine joint & potatoes & greens. & then after eating some Teazer & Mungo began to feel hyper & began to knock more things over. But while rolling down stairs who should be there but the MAID.... The maid quickly picked up her broom & began chassing them yelling "STOP HOUSE WRECKERS!" Mungo & teazer were very frightend they rushed all over the house for they have forgotten were the kitty door was. Teazer lost one of her wool worth pearls in the living room, & mungo lost his winter vest in the living room. Mungo & teazer kept running faster & faster untill, into the libray they saw it the ming vase! They both lunged towards the vase and hoped in side. It would have been a beautiful thing to hide in it hadn't of been filled with water. The maid was sure they were in the library maybe on the shelf. Presently Rumpleteazer trying not to sneeze mungo motioned for her to be quiet but it was to late out came a big KERCHOO!!!! The maid jumped up and knocked over the vase with her broom and mungo and rumple scampered out. Just when they thought they couldn't run no longer they spied the…..*G*.......they spied the ....*G*...... " Urry up teazer, we haven't got all day!" "Ok, they saw the kitty door!" they both looked at each other and lunged towards the kitty door. It took a little bit of time because they both had decided to go in it at the same time. But finally they were out and scampered home. They never stopped running they just headed strait for jennyanydots. " Hey sis I don't' quite agree whiff that I wouldn't go back to jenny's- "just let me tell the story mungo" Now when they got back to jenny's they threw the trunk door open and plopped on the floor heaving very hard. "I'm sorry to say (well not really) but mungo and teazer were felling rather tired and jenny put them to bed with no jelly and no mice! "Nuts" The end