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hi said misto and victoria said hi misto!! and he kissed her and she said can we talk misto???????????????????????? and he said victoria whats wrong?? well....... it all started when.. plato said he wants me to be his mate and i said yes victoria!!!!! misto said! we were going to be mates!!! said misto victoria said bye and she left. the next day...... misto said vicky vicky!!! what she said???????????????? come and see!! oh my cassandra is with alonzo how sweet!! hush misto he is saying he wants her to be his mate!! great! said misto and victoria left. the next day...... she eat soup and milk and then she went to plato's home and she said plato i dont love you!!!!!!!!! and he said why vicky dear? and she said i love misto!! what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! said plato? i said i love MISTO!!!!!!!! oh ok why didint you say so!!! said plato! thanks plato! said bye!!! and victoria left. the next day..... victoria got up and went to school and she bumped into quaxo!! and quaxo said hi you sure bautiful! and victoria was being flirty when she saw him! and she said well well well are you new?? no my name is quaxo! said quaxo the dance is in two days and i have no one to go with!!!! i will go with you said quaxo and victoria said my name is victoria! and he said bye!!. the next day... she said who cares i am going back to bed!!. the next day... victoria said oh my god today is the school dance!!!! and i said i would go with quaxo! and misto thinks i am going with him!!!!! and there was i cup of milk by the bed and she drank it all!!!!!!! and she left and wenst to school hi quaxo!! she said!! he said whats up vicky?????????? she said not much!!!! now lets go to the dance!. and they danced and danced MISTO WOKE UP!! he saw victoria by the waterfall kissing quaxo!!!!!! and victoria said misto!!!!!! misto said forget victoria in a mad voice quaxo said vicky come back!! and victoria ran home! victoria said quaxo!! quaxo said hi vicky in a sad voice she said what is wrong quaxo????? he said my mom died she said oh quaxo i am so so sorry!! and she ran over and hugged him! he said vicky? she said what quaxo?????? he said can you tell electra that she is very sweet for me??? she said why? he said because i dont like you i love her!!! vicky said quaxo? and she ran off crying. THE NEXT DAY............... victoria woke up grizabella said vicky are you ok? because you eyes are red!! victoria said hi mom in a sad voice grizabella said what is wrong vicky in a mad voice!! victoria said quaxo hates me!! and started to cry grizabella said oh vicky he does not hate you he just likes another queen thats all!!!!!! victoria said thats why i am crying mom!!!!!!! grizabella said vicky i have to go to work now bye vicky!!! and grizzabella left. and victoria left to go to school. she saw electra kissing misto!!!!!!! victoria ran over there and said misto how could you!! misto said well you like quaxo so why not like electra! victoria ran off. she saw quaxo sitting on the rocks crying!! victoria said quaxo are you ok???????? quaxo said oh victoria i do love you!! victoria said i love you to quaxo and kissed him! victoria went home and went to bed she said i love quaxo so much!! ok? *sillabub*