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things i adopted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this is the stuff i adopted! hey look misto is right by victoria! how did that happen!! tuggerine made that victoria hugging misto for me! :

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that is tugger he is very wild!! that is quaxo he is very shy! that is monku he helps around the website! i love that one it is misto with victoria!! she was made for me by the kittens!! this sillabub jellicle mini was made for me by mistokit!
victoria_cat82 got their NeoPet at
victoria_cat82 got their NeoPet at
victoria_cat82 got their NeoPet at
victoria_cat82 got their NeoPet at
those are my neopets! this Sillabub Doll Was Made For Me By Mistokit!! er=0> er=0>