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Hello it's me LIL Bomby, your Bombaluirna's Jellicle Hangout host. This page is the part of my website where my good friend Victoria gives you her best advice about everything! I was too lazy to do it all by myself. :) All you have to do is e-mail her, and she will immediately respond to your question! If you want private advice from her please tell her that when you write to her, or else it will be posted up here for everyone to read.

Dear Vikki, Hi my name is Etcetera. I have a huge crush on this hot tom named Rum Tum Tugger, but he doesn't even know I'm alive! What should I do to make him notice and like me?

Well...Etcetera, if you really like this tom, I suggest that you have one of your friends or some one you know introduce you to him. If no one you know hangs around with him, maybe you should throw a party. Invite him and a few other people. Get to know him there, bring up a conversation. Find out what he likes, and talk about the things that he likes to do. Then tell him about youself. If he's a nice tom, I'm sure you'll have no problem getting to know him. Oh, and remember always act like a lady, and be nice. But if he is of the bold and "boring" type...he may be into girls like Bombalurina. But please do not change your personality type just to go along with this tom, always be yourself, and if he is nice (no matter what personality type) he'll like you too. NOTE: If this tom is already taken by a Bombalurina, I suggest you back away from his romantic life for the time being. Girls like Bomby are always making sure that no girls come near their toms! If you still want to be friends with him, I think you should make friends with his Bombalurina first!

Dear Victoria, It's Demeter. How do I get rid of that JERK Rum Tum Tugger? If you don't respond soon, you may find a certain tom strangled by his own disgusting mane.

Well Dem, hey if he's bothering you, you should definately do something about that. If he's teasing you, try talking to him nicely in private, asking him to please stop because he's making you uncomfortable. If he's not your friend, and he keeps bugging you, try a comeback. He probably won't expect it, and he may start to let up. If he's a friend of yours, I doubt you'll have any problems getting him to stop bugging you, if you confront him and tell him how you feel when he teases you. But the most important thing is to remember there is a BIG chance that this tom has a bit of a crush on you. Toms like Tugger often are rude to the girls they like for the longest time. Mostly because they don't know how to approah you, especially if his friends aren't that fond of you. If this doesn't satisfy you, please e-mail me back and give me a bit more information on your problem, because I am not all that sure what you mean in your question.

Dear Victoria,
Why is everyone saying I have a relationship with Macavity? It's really bugging me and it's NOT TRUE! How do I make them stop?

Dear Bombalurina, First you must go and ask all your friends why they are saying and thinking this about you? Maybe they're teasing you because he likes you, maybe it's because you may have had a slight crush on him at one time and they noticed, maybe it's because you're both naughty red kitties ;). It could be any one of these reasons. If and when they tell you why they are saying this, tell them how you feel and your explanation to what they think. Also tell them that it's bothering you that they think you have a crush on some one you most certainly don't even like. Remember friends do tend to tease, even best friends at times. If they don't stop right away do not asume they don't like you. If they're really giving you a hard time give them the cold shoulder, if they're your friends they will stop and apologize, since they were hurting your feelings. If your problem lies with people you don't like, totally ignore them. Don't let them see that it bothers you and eventually they'll see it's no fun to bother some one who doesn't care about what they're saying. However you handle it be sure to handle the situation with courage and class. You'll always come out the winner if you do it that way. ;)

Dear Victoria,
Their's this tom who always flirts with me and he's really cute. Trouble is, I don't know if he likes me! He plays with my hair, and when we play football, he hugs me when he's trying to tag me. But I'm not sure he likes me. Help!

Dear Cosmicat, First I should start by telling you I'm 99% sure he BIGTIME likes you. But from what you've told me he's still a little immature. So if you like this tom a lot you're gonna have to approach a relationship very carefully. If he's a good friend of yours I suggest you confront him and ask him if he likes you, especially if it's been going on for a long time. I've noticed when you ask somebody something like that it's easiest to do so on the computer or on the phone. But if you feel as though you won't become embarresed and clam up, I say go for it in person. When you decide it's the perfect time to tell him, don't just go out and say it right away. What you want to do is bring it up at like a party or something. First you talk about something else, and then slyly bring up the topic of "So who are You Going Out With?". When he says no one you obviously ask "Who do You Like?" and then tell him from there. His face will probably light up, his eyes will grow wide, and his face will turn red. If you're planning on telling him on the phone or the computer, ask him the same questions but remember to talk about other things first. I guarntee if he figures out that you like him, things will change from there. He will most likely ask you out. If you two do end up going out, take things slowly! He seems to be the type that is not used to having a commited relationship...or any relationship at that! If you take things slowly you will grow as a couple and you'll end up being very happy together, that is if you don't find a better tom. ;)

To Vicky, It's Etcetera.My best mate Victoria keeps playing with Demeter.I want to play with vicky but Demeter doesn't like me.Vicky wants to play with Dem more.I feel excluded.REPLY SOON!!!!!!


This is a toughie Cetta. But I have helped other people with this problem before. If you feel excluded, you should definitely talk to your pal Victoria (I like her name ;) . Now you tell her exactly how you feel…Tell her I understand you like Demeter and I understand she doesn't like me (for whatever reason) but me and you are best friends and you should not exclude me from your life, for her, if you really care about me. If she's really your friend she will apologize and tell Demeter that she was your best friend first and if she wants to be her friend that she has to except that she hangs with you most of time…cos' you two are best friends. If she tells you to get a life then unfortunately she was never worth it. If that happens Cetta, don't feel too bad. I've gone through the exact same thing and it hurts for a while but then you realize who cares…it's her loss. She's the one with the issues. ;) But hopefully that's not the case.