1. first you need to take all your zip files and copy them to another folder this way you can use the other folder and not disturb your shares.
2. now that you have done that you need to install nero and mp3+g tools and make sure it is running.
3. After the install of both you will need to right click on the folder you made for your self for your own cdg disks and click zip to bin. ( mp3+g tools will make all the bin files it needs)
4. after all the bin files are made then you need to right click again on the same folder and click make Cue sheet.
5. once the Cue sheet is made you will then have to open nero burning rom.
6. once nero burning rom is open, click on record then burn image, it will open a window where you will search for the Cue sheet you made in step 5, once finding it click on it then click open.
7. once open you will see a screen that says burn, you will need to burn this at the lowest speed your writer will allow.
8. congradulations you have burned your first cdg disk, to test it place it in your cdg player or dvd player if the words come up your good to go, if not repeat steps 5, 6, and 7 until you see words. or go to how to burn useing a non compatable burner


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