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Dual Purpose Canes
The monopod cane was made from the leg of a tripod (which extends to 5 1/2 ft.) given to me by my friend, Doug.  On top, I mounted a rosewood block with the camera mounting screw in it.  The handle was turned from a piece of purpleheart which once was the fat end of a $1.00 thrift store pool cue.  The beaded brass rings were a dollar each at a second hand store.
The flute cane below started out as a $1 flute (probably from India) bought at a local thrift store.  Since it has a 1/2 inch bore, I was able to use a piece of 1/2 inch aluminum rod as the point of attachment for the cane handle and walnut dowel shaft. 

    This is where my friend Allen's machine shop came in handy.  His equipment allowed me to accurately bore and tap holes in the rod and shaft so they could be securely screwed and glued together.  It also was invaluable in the boring and turning of the bocote handle.  Again, brass candlestick parts were used to reinforce the wood to metal joints and the end of a brass door hinge pin was used as a finial on the end of the handle.

    In use, the handle is unscrewed and the flute removed for playing.

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