Part 17


The Kahimi turns back to us, standing in the construction site.  “There can be only one,” she calls to me.  I glance at everyone else, confused.


“What do you mean?” I say to her.


She walks to me.  “You know.”


And I do.  I think I’ve known all along.  Buffy is the Slayer.  I’m sorta an accident.  I nod.


“What does she mean?” Xander asks me.


“There can be only one,” I tell him.


“One?  One Slayer?  What does that mean?” Willow asks.


The Kahimi looks at each of us.  “Faith must give up her power.”


They’re stunned.  “No,” Buffy says quietly.


I turn to her.  She’s still in Giles’ arms, weak, confused.  Walking to her, I touch her cheek.  “S’ok, B.  I think I knew this was going to happen somewhere down the line.  Two Slayers…two callings…it can’t be.  Not supposed to.”


“But…it did happen.  It was a mistake, no one’s fault,” Willow says.


Angel’s still standing in the distance.  I look at him over her head.  “But sometimes…you have to do things for the people you love.”


“So Angel has to give up his life, you have to give up yours?” Dawn asks, clutching at Buffy’s legs.


“Wait, please,” Buffy says, groggily, struggling a bit in Giles’ arms.


The Kahimi takes my cut hand, which is just now closing up.  She takes Buffy’s hand and slices it with a fingernail.  Placing them together she says “Entwine.”  It’s electric, but this time I feel drained when it’s over.  I can’t stand…Spike helps me to stay on my feet, cradles me in his arms.  Now I feel groggy…thick.


And Buffy’s on her feet, revived.  She rushes to me.  “No,” she says again.  “No.”  She looks up at the Kahimi.  “Why?”  Before the Kahimi can answer she looks past her to where Angel is standing.  “Why?” she says angrily, and walks quickly to Angel.  Stopping in front of him, she takes his hand.  “What’s going on?”


He hangs his head, caresses her hand.  “I have to.”


“Why?” she says, tenderly.


“To bring you back.”


She looks panicked.  “Angel, you can’t die for me.  I wouldn’t let you once before, I won’t let you now,” she turns back to the Kahimi before he can answer.  “Why are you doing this?  Who are you?”


The Kahimi smiles at her, touches her cheek.  Buffy jerks back.  “I am the Kahimi, child,” she says.  “I am the founder of the Watchers Council.”


“But you’re a vampire,” Buffy says.


The Kahimi raises her eyebrow.  “Ah…your skills and senses are returning quickly.  Yes, I am a vampire, and a goddess.”


“Oh, good.  Another god.  You gals dig construction sites, don’t you?” Buffy says.  I think she got a bit of my attitude when she got my powers.


The Kahimi is not offended though.  “My father was a god, my mother a vampire.  But now is not the time for stories.  Your friends love you very much.  So much that they are willing to give up themselves, who they are, to see you restored.”


“What about what I want?” Buffy asks angrily.


“You wish to be dead?” The Kahimi asks.


Buffy hesitates, glances at Dawn, then me, then Angel.  “I—no.  I don’t, but I did what I had to do.  Don’t punish them.”


“This is no punishment, child.  It is what should be.  There is to be only one Slayer.”


“And Angel?” Buffy asks softly.


The Kahimi glances at Angel, standing off to the side.  “Angelus is needed in my court.”


“Your court?”


The Kahimi nods.  “He is a great warrior, he will serve me well for one hundred years, then he will be released.”


Buffy’s eyes fly open.  “A hundred years?!” she cries.  “No, I forbid it.  I can’t let you do this, Angel,” she says, turning to him.  “Please.”  She flies around and looks at me.  “Or you, Faith.”


I give her a wobbly smile.  “I think it’s done, B.”


“But, you’re a Slayer,” she says.


I try to shrug it off.  “I’m not supposed to be here.  It’s okay, really,” I say, choking on the words.


“Buffy….” Dawn says, her voice so small.  Buffy turns and finally sees her, really sees her.  “Dawnie,” she says softly, and rushes into the arms of her sister.  “Oh God, Dawnie, Dawnie,” she says, stroking her sister’s hair, fresh tears streaming down her face.


“See?” Angel says softly.  “We have to.”  He turns and walks away, the Kahimi following him.


“Luv,” Spike whispers to me, “Can you walk?”


I nod, slowly.  I’m not the Slayer anymore.  I don’t have any powers, no super-speed, no lightening-quick reflexes.  I’m nothing.  I’m a nobody, again. 


I glance at Buffy and Dawn, still hugging.  So much love there.  And I feel better about it. 


They break apart, and she turns to her friends, who engulf her is this huge hug, and I think she’s lucky she’s got Slayer strength again ‘cause that hug’d kill her otherwise.  There are tears and laughing, and I find myself smiling like an idiot.  I glance at Angel, who’s turned to watch, and I think he’s happy for them, too.  And then…he nods at me and begins to walk away again.


I turn back to the Scoobies; Spike and I just watching them off to the side.  “It’s great, isn’t it?” I say to him softly.


He watches them for a moment before answering me.  “You did a good thing.  You knew, didn’t you?”


I shrug, not taking my eyes off them.  “In a way, I had an idea.”


“And you gave it up, for her.”


“Look what she was going to give up,” I say, nodding towards the group.


 Sloan comes up to me and puts an arm around my shoulder.  “Guess you’re not going to need me any more,” he says.


I smile sadly up at him.  “I’m sorry,” I say.


“Don’t be.  Sunnydale gets the best Slayers,” he says, “I’m very, very proud.”


“So am I,” Buffy says, walking towards me.  She doesn’t even hesitate, given all our history.  She just reaches for me and hugs me so hard, I think I hear ribs cracking.  “Faith, how could you?” she says, tearfully.


“I had to, B.  You need this more.”


She shakes her head without letting me go.  “We both need it.”


I can’t say anything to that. 


“You got a second chance, a second calling,” she whispers, her voice full of emotion.


“So did you,” I remind her.


“Third, if you want to get technical,” she laughs despite the tears.  Pulling back she looks in my eyes.  “I can’t thank you enough.”


I nod, and see her gaze shift past me to where Angel and the Watchers disappeared.  “Angel?” she calls, looking around.  “Angel?!”  She turns back to me, her eyes full of pain.  “He’s…he’s gone.”


I nod, regretfully.


A tear slips down her face and she swallows hard, staring at the spot he was standing just a moment earlier.  “We never get to say goodbye.”


Everyone is silent for a moment, then Buffy turns to us, wiping her tears and trying to smile.


Sloan clears his throat.  “Ms. Summers, it’s a pleasure,” he says, sticking out his hand. 


Buffy looks him over, then glances at me.  “New Watcher?”


I smile.  “And not even evil.”


She shakes Sloan’s hand.  And notices Spike.  “Spike,” she says.


He smiles at her gently.  “Hey cutie,” he says, and I know he’ll always love her.  She smiles at him gratefully.  “I didn’t leave her side,” he tells Buffy, indicating Dawn.


“He didn’t, Buffy, except to sleep,” Dawn says quickly, defending Spike.


Buffy stares at him for a moment, then nods.  “No, I expect he didn’t.”  She faces the rest of the group.  “Can we go home now?  I’m starving.”


They laugh and we all turn to head off to the Magic Box.  I pause for just a moment, watching them walk ahead of me.  And I smile.


“You did good,” Spike says, coming up behind me.


I don’t look at him.  “Yeah, I think I did.  Who woulda thought?”


He clears his throat.  “Look, what the Watcher chick said…about us an’ seeds and all that…”

My eyes move to the ground.  “Spike, it’s okay.  I know you love her.”


He’s quiet for a moment.  “Yeah, I do.”


“And I’m not the Slayer anymore…I’m sure that had some sort of appeal to you.”


“You’re probably right,” he agrees.


“So, don’t worry about it, okay?”  I look up at him.  “Besides, we’ve only known each other for a little while.”


He steps up to me, lifts my chin with his finger and kisses me.  “Then how come all I can think about is doing this?” he says, and kisses me some more.  I’m stunned, so at first I don’t react…then I can’t do anything else but react.  It’s like a buzz, a high, being kissed by him.


“Spike…” I whisper.


“Yeah?” he says, eyes closed, concentrating kisses on my neck and shoulder.




He stops and looks at me.  “Why what?”


“You love Buffy.”


He gives me this evil grin.  “Yeah, I do.  The little brat’s grown on me.  But…you’ve done something to me.  Made me realize…I think with the Slayer…it was all in my head.  Since you burst on the scene, there’s no room up here for anyone else,” he says, tapping on his head.


I gaze at him for a moment.  “Don’t play with me…You’re not just sayin’ that?”


He kisses me again.  “I’m not just sayin’ that,” he says softly.


I kiss him back.




We arrive back at the magic shop with everyone else.  “We just have to get our stuff, Buffy,” a very excited Willow is saying as we walk in the door.  “Then it’s food, I promise…” she trails off as we all notice our visitors.


The Kahimi and the Watchers.  They’re seated at the table.


“What…what are you doing here?” Buffy asks.


“You passed,” The Kahimi says.


We all look at each other, confused.  “Passed?” Buffy asks.


Giles looks angry.  “This was another one of your damned tests?”


The Kahimi smiles.  “Not ours, but yes, it was a test.”


“Whose test?  What was the test?” Buffy asks.


The Kahimi looks at me.  “The Apprentice…the Twice Called Slayer…you are restored,” she says, holding her hand out to me.  White light shoots from her hand and wraps around me.


“Hey!” Spike says, trying to get to me, but the light blocks him out.  When it disappears…I feel strong…stronger than ever.


I look up at everyone, surprise and wonder on my face, I’m sure.  I can’t believe it…across the room I spy Buffy’s knives and tree stump.  Quickly I pick the knives up and toss them at the stump…whoosh whoosh whoosh…all five, perfect.  Smiling like a moron I turn around.  “I’m…back.”


They’re all smiling at me, but there’s confusion there to.  Spike opens his arms up and I fly into them.  He spins me around once and plants a kiss on my head.


“Ok,” Xander says to us, “when she’s done talking,” indicating the Kahimi, “we’re moving on to this new development.”


Buffy steps forward.  “Faith…she’s still a Slayer?”


The Kahimi nods, as do the Watchers.  “She is the Apprentice no longer.  She is the Twice Called…as it was foretold she would be.  She gave up what is most important to her for another, for her duty.  She is worthy, and she is needed.”


“So, let me get this straight,” Sloan says.  “Because Faith willingly gave up her Slayer powers she’s now worthy of getting them back?”


The Kahimi nods.  “Sometimes the things that sound the most simple are the hardest to do.  Buffy knew this.  Faith did not.  She knows it now.”


“So…I’m back on active duty?” I ask.


She nods.  “You are needed.”


“And Angel?” Buffy asks.


The Kahimi smiles and Angel comes walking out of the back room.  A look of joy comes over Buffy’s face, and huge smile spreads across Angel’s.  She runs to him and throws her arms around his neck.  He whispers something in her ear and she hugs him more tightly.


Giles speaks.  “So, all of this, this was just to prove that Faith was ready to be the Slayer again?”


The Kahimi smiles.  “In a way.  Angelus is needed.  He is needed here.  He was needed to bring the Slayer, Buffy, back.  The Champion, the Chosen, the Key and she who is Twice Called.  Big things are coming, my little ones.”


“What would have happened if they didn’t pass?” Willow asks.


The Kahimi lowers her head a bit.  “I hoped that would not happen.  But I would have had to make good on my threats.  Faith would have been stripped of her  powers and Angelus forced to serve in my court.”


“What’s coming?” Buffy asks, undraping herself from Angel.


“The End of Days,” the Kahimi says.  “You are all needed.  As I am needed now back in my home.”


“Wait,” Buffy says.  “That’s it?  You put us through all this and just leave?”


The Kahimi touches Buffy’s cheek.  “Slayer…you have been restored because you have a duty to perform.  You yourself passed the ultimate test.  You gave your life for your sister, for your friends, for the world.  The Powers That Be, they needed to be certain…the ancient prophecy…it is all predetermined.  The three of you, and the Key, will be powerful allies.”  And with that, she left the shop, the other Watchers trailing after her.


“Again with the predestined stuff,” Xander mutters.


“The End of Days,” Buffy says softly, thinking.  “Doesn’t sound good.”


Giles sighs, then throws a glance at his Slayer.  “Buffy, I think that can wait until tomorrow, don’t you?”


She grins and looks at him.  “It’s been a hell of a day, hasn’t it?”


Angel takes her hand.  “How do you feel?” he asks. 


She grins.  “I feel great, actually.  Much better than the last time I died.”


This is surreal.  I mean, just earlier today we were still mourning our friend, now she’s here, in front of us, cracking jokes.  It’s happened so quickly.  And, I’m still needed. 


“How are you, Faith?” Sloan asks.


I nod.  “I’m good.”  I throw a glance at B.  “Five by five.”  She grins back at me and wraps an arm around my waist.


“Do you think this time we can avoid the fighting, stabbing, put you in a coma, switching bodies part?”


I think about it…then grin.  “I’ll try.”


Spike’s behind me, his hands on my shoulders.  “Yeah,” Xander says, “What the hell is up with you two?”


I look at him curiously.  “I don’t know what you mean,” I say, and tilt my head back.  Spike kisses my lips.


“Oh brother,” Xander says, rolling his eyes and tucking Anya under his arm.


“Can we eat, really?” Buffy asks.  There’s giggling amongst Tara and Dawn who sling arms around each other and head for the door, everyone else walking with them. 


“What I don’t get,” Willow says, “is what she meant by me having Wicca in my bloodline…” I can hear her saying as they head out to fill up a starving Buffy.


Spike and I watch them go.  I turn to him a moment later and kiss him.


“Happy?” he asks. 


I nod.  “Pretty much.”




I look up at him.  “Never dated the undead.  Dated some guys who should be dead….”


“Never dated a Slayer, not to mention the bloody Twice Called,” he says, grinning sexily at me.  “Guess this means you’ll be sticking around.”


“Looks that way.”


“Hmm…” he says, nuzzling my neck.  Shivers run up my back.  “I like girls who can fight.”


“I can kick your ass,” I tell him, dragging my hands through his hair.”


“Wanna bet?” he asks saucily.


I giggle like a school girl, all innocent-like, and lay him out on his back.  He lands with an UFF! Sound and stares up at me, stunned.  Climbing on top of him, I lean down to kiss him.  “Come ‘ere,” I whisper.  We end up very late for dinner.


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