For all the people who wanted a sequel to the first bit. Thanks for your feedback, and I hope you like this part.

"No. *No*. I won't do it."

Xander looked down at his fiancée, sitting on the edge of their bed with her hands folded primly in her lap, a wide-eyed look of patient expectance on her face.

"No way, An. I'll go along with any decisions you make. Music, suits, little cherubs that piddle champagne...but I draw the line here. This is the point of uncompromised line drawing."

Anya waited until he finished, then untied her robe and shrugged it off. "I wore a new nightie for you tonight." she said, smiling. "And there are matching panties. Would you like to see?"

Xander's jaw worked. He swallowed, tilting his head to the side. "This isn't fighting fair, Anya." he complained, his voice cracking.

"Look at the gesture I'm going to make with Willow. This is very much the same."

"Only different, on account of how Willow was never my homicidal bloodsucking mortal enemy who wanted to kill me."

"Things are different now. He helps, and you play pool together. And sometimes you win money from him, and buy me flowers and presents, and make me feel all princess-like, and then we have lots of nice sex, which I know you enjoy, and..." She sighed. "Xander, I would appreciate it if you do this." she concluded earnestly.

He stared at her, mentally scratching out the uncompromising line. "All right, An. I'll do it."

She hopped up off the bed with a delighted giggle, flinging her arms around his neck and sprinkling him with kisses. "Thank you. I love you."

Xander smiled and wrapped his arms around Anya's waist. "I love you too, babe."

"Besides," Anya added between kisses, "it's not as if you have that many male friends."

"Well, now--"

"Giles will be giving me away, so he already has a duty."

"Sure, but--"

"You're not that close to your cousin Eddie. And he has that funny eye..."



"I'd like to see the matching panties now."

"Oh. Of course."

The bedsprings squeaked, and another giggle drifted up into the room.

Buffy pushed Willow and Tara's front door open and walked in, heaving a big sigh. "Honey, I'm home," she announced herself.

"Hey, Buffy!" Willow's voice called from the kitchenette of the tiny apartment.

Tara looked up from the book she was engrossed in. "You look beat. Tough pat-patrol?"

Buffy tossed Mr. Pointy onto the coffee table and flopped down on the couch beside the blonde witch. "Evidently tonight was the Annual Undead Walk-a-Thon in Sunnydale. We must have dusted over a dozen." She thumped her chest, raising a little cloud of dust for emphasis, and groaned. "May my new suede jacket rest in peace."

"Dunno what you're whining about," Spike said, walking, or more accurately *limping*, in after her and closing the door. "I'm the one got my bloody foot nearly torn off my body." He sat down on Tara's other side, and she scooched to make room for him on the small sofa. "How goes the hocus pocus, dove?"

Tara smiled. "N-not bad. W-we're still trying to tweak the, um, LBS."

Spike arched an eyebrow. "Is that code for some kind of naughty girlie bedroom thing?"

Tara flushed bright pink, and Buffy reached past her to whack Spike in the face with a throw pillow. "You're a pig." she said.

"LBS would stand for little ball of sunshine, Mr. Clever Fangs," Willow informed the vampire, leaning around the divider wall holding a dish towel and a glass and wearing a smirk.

"Oh, well that's terribly boring, isn't it?" Spike replied.

"Yeah, but that one's free. The girlie bedroom code will cost ya." Tara said quickly, peeking slyly out from beneath the curtain of her hair at him. Spike's blue eyes widened, and Willow burst out laughing, disappearing back into the kitchen. Tara ducked her head, but her shoulders were shaking with silent laughter.

"Wow, Tara, you've rendered him speechless. You *must* be packing some powerful magic." Buffy observed. "And while we're on the subject of people who never shut up, where's my darling baby sister?"

"She's in the bedroom studying." Willow told her, coming out and folding her legs to sit on the floor.

Buffy stared at her. "Seriously? Oh, I am in awe of your power."

"Can't take the credit." Willow said, shaking her head. "Turns out there's a boy in her biology class who likes brainy women." She sighed melodramatically. "They must have started turning up *after* we graduated. Durnit."

"I like brainy women." a quiet voice announced from the couch.

"Hello! That's two in five minutes! She's on a roll tonight, children." Spike noted.

"That's my girl." Willow said proudly. "Anyway, I think Dawn's planning on dazzling this guy with her amazing knowledge of fish anatomy tomorrow."

"Ah, young love," Buffy said, wrinkling her nose. "Hey! Where're our favorite honeymooners-in-training? I haven't had a bridal magazine photo shoved up my nose in at least the last forty-eight hours."

"Need the paper for starter fuel up there?" Spike quipped.

Tara leaned forward without being asked. Buffy's hand connected with the back of Spike's head.

"Ow! Bitch."

"Your roots are showing, William. Aren't they coming over tonight, Will?"

Willow glanced at the clock and opened her mouth, just as there was a knock on the door. Xander swung it open, stepping back for Anya. "Ask and ye shall receive." Willow said.

"Did you miss us?" Xander asked, grinning.

"No." Spike replied, moving quick enough to duck the hand this time.

"Whoa! I don't w-want to be crossfire girl anymore." Tara said, holding a hand up. "Return to your corners."

"Spike." Xander said. "Just when I get to thinking I might be able to say this without swallowing my own tongue, you turn on the anti-charm." Anya poked him. "Doing my best here, sweetie."

"Xander and I need to speak to Spike and Willow." Anya said to the room at large.

There was a long, creeping silence, during which Anya's smile never faltered. Finally Tara uttered a little gasped, "Oh!" and stood, tapping Buffy's leg. "She wants us to leave."

"Yes. You're perceptive. It's one of my favorite things about you." Anya said. "That, and the way you're not afraid to try unconventional wardrobe experiments, no matter what others think." She found herself on the receiving end of five stares. "What? I'm voicing honest kindness. It makes me a warmer person."

"A thousand plus years and no one's snatched her up before now? I'm at a loss." Spike marveled. Buffy swallowed a grin with difficulty.

"Buffy, Tara, if you'd excuse us for a few?" Xander said. "Just a few, mind you. In fact if we don't come for you in about five minutes, well, help."

"Why not?" Buffy shrugged as they headed for the bedroom. "I need to brush up on my fish anatomy."

Willow plopped down on the couch beside Spike. "What's up, guys?"

"Well," Anya began, slipping her hand into Xander's, "as you know, I've taken great pains to follow tradition in the planning of our wedding. And that's why --"

Spike held his hand up.

"Yes?" Anya said sharply.

"Just out of curiosity, this isn't leading to another one of your 'Santa was a carnivorous fertility deity' stories, is it?" the vampire asked cautiously.


"Right. Carry on."

"As I was saying," Anya resumed, "one of the long-standing traditions is the presence of the bride's maid-of-honor and the groom's best man beside the bride and groom at the altar. Well, not so much beside as near, and somewhat downward from. Because this day is really all about Xander and I, so it wouldn't --"

"An. Baby. Floor plan later. Point now." Xander muttered gently under his breath.

"All *right*!" she whispered harshly back over her shoulder. She smiled brightly at the witch and the vampire, then turned her attention to Willow. "Willow. You and I have really grown to know each other better over the last couple of years, and although in the beginning I thought you were a man-stealing hussy, I've actually grown fond of you. And after all, if it wasn't for you making out with Xander behind Cordelia's back, I would never have been called here to avenge her pain, and Xander and I would never have met at all! So in a way, I owe my happiness to your devious hormones."

Willow blinked. "Oh, well,, you're welcome?"

"And Spike!" Anya continued, caught up in the moment now. "If you hadn't kidnapped Willow and Xander that night, Cordelia may never have caught them in their indiscretions! You were instrumental to our joining."

"I think I'm disturbed by that." Spike said thoughtfully. "No, I *know* I am."

"And evidently you're also significant to our sex life." Xander added evilly.

Spike eyed him for a long moment. "*That*, I'm going to pretend I didn't hear at all."

"Okay, how and why did a hostage situation become a warm and fuzzy moment?" Willow broke in. "'Cause I'm kinda touched, but also kinda wigged."

"Willow, I'd like you to be my maid of honor." Anya said. "Or, lesbian of honor, if it's more PC."

"Oh. Really?" A smile broke out on Willow's face.

"Will you? Please? Pretty please?" Anya bounced in her shoes.

Willow looked at the ex-demon in amazement. "Anya, you said please."

"I know! Now say yes!" Anya's voice rose. "Please?"

"Okay, sure. Yes!" Willow said, a little of Anya's excitement rubbing off.

Anya shrieked. "Oh good! I'm so glad. Of course you'll let me help with your hair."


"Okay Xander, your turn." Anya gave him a little push.

"Okay." Xander rolled his head, cracking his neck, then rolled his shoulders. "Okay. I can do this." He looked at Spike. "I want you to know this in no way means I dislike you any less."

"Don't do this, Harris."

"And before you say anything, you should realize that I can just go in there and get Buffy to come out here and kick your ass until you do what Anya wants."

"I'm serious, mate. You better not even think it."

"Spike," Xander took a deep breath.

"I'll kill you. I don't give a damn if my brain explodes, I will *kill* you if you say one more word."

"Will you be my lesbian of honor, Spike?"

"You sick bastard."

"Is that a yes?"

"This is so wonderful." Anya exclaimed. "Oh, God, I'm so happy. I think I'm going to cry." Suddenly her face twisted. "Oh, DAMMIT!" She stamped her foot. "I forgot the damn video camera at home!"


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