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...the bottom line...
the bottom line - main page
Depeche Mode news
Depeche Mode pictures
lyric quotes of Depeche Mode
Depeche Mode discography
current tour dates and past tour info
Depeche Mode reviews
Depeche Mode multimedia
Depeche Mode polls

Deementia's Depeche Mode site
the Mode Men

~a note from the webmisstress~
I finally gave in to my desire and started this little site for the gods also known as Depeche Mode. It's under construction (and will always be). Click here for lastest updates. I hope you enjoy it and thanks for visiting!

view the guestbook sign the guestbook
created 6/15/01 & last updated 10/11/01

...fueling obsession that borders psychosis...

current member bios, former members, and other important people
Depeche Mode history
interviews with Depeche Mode
games, links, stories, and other fun stuff
Depeche Mode related links
the webmistresses stats, favs, DM collection, story & more
site news, site map, viewing recommendations
webrings - none yet