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Hello this is Amethyst. She wants to let you use her graphics that she found on the web. She does have a few requests. (1) Please do not link to the graphics. Transload or Upload them to your server to get your own URL for the graphics.(2) Amethist asks for you please not to take her. This is her home. She likes it here. I have a graphic that is simalar if you would like to use it you can. I hope you find what you are lookng for here at Amethyst's Dragon Gallery.
To my knowledge all of the graphics I have on this site are free. If you see any that are copyrighted please let me know. Contact me at
Thank You.

Amethyst & Man Big White Dragon Black Dragon
on rock
Black Story Dragon Blue Icedragons
Blue Smoke Dragon Coffeeholic Dragon Dragons On Pole Spiky Dragon Colorful Dragons
Dragon Burning Books Dragon Dual1 Dragon Drinking Dragon King Dragon Mist1
Green Dragon Gold Dragon on rock Lightgreen Dragon Silver Dragon Blue Dragon
Breathing Fire
Black Dragon Clouds Dragon Dual2 Dragon Mist2 Dragon on Mountain Dragon Reading

Click on Amethyst to go to Amethyst's Dragindex