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Amethyst's Nursery

Amethyst is has adopted three dragon eggs. She was walking to her friends lair today when she saw a Komodo Dragon digging up and eating a clutch of Dragon eggs. She fought with the Komodo Dragon to save the eggs. Sadly only three eggs suvived. The rest were eaten or crushed. She does not know who's nest it was. Amethyst is now caring for the eggs like they were her own. She has always wanted to be a Mother, but has never found the right male to mate with. Amethyst is very new at taking care of Dragon eggs. If anyone can give her some advice she would appreciate it. Like how long it takes for eggs to hatch. Do they need help getting out of the shell. Thank You. To E-mail Amethyst or the hatchlings click on the pink dragon below.

Click on Amethyst to go to her Dragindex

Click on the egg to go to Amethyst's Nursery 2

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