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Amethyst's Nursery 2

Here are some hatchlings that Amethyst is taking care of. They each have been orphaned or lost from their mothers. Amethyst is not prejudice at all. She will take in any orphan or hatchling in need of her care no matter their color. If you would like to E-mail one of her hathchlings. Just click on the pink dragon below :

She will read it to the hatchling for you. If you know of any lost or orphaned hatchlings that need a home or just someone to care for them let Amethyst know by E-mailing her. Just click on the pink dragon above. Thank You.

Click on the cave and Silvana may come out and say hi

Silvana is a baby dragon that Amethyst adopted. Silvana is a Silver Dragon Hatchling. She was adopted on July 4th 2001. She is a very shy baby right now and only plays with the other hatchlings. She even hides behind Amethyst at first whenever Amethyst's sister Emerald comes to visit. Silvana is exited about the new eggs Amethyst rescued. Sivana wants to help, but Amethyst will not let her near the eggs. She is afraind of that the eggs could get broken (on accident of course). Silvana can't wait until the eggs hatch. She wants to be a big sister. Come back and vist Silvana again. She just might peek out from behind Amethyst to say hi.

This baby hatchling is Drakke. He is very glad you came to visit. He likes humans like you. Not to eat of course he likes to play and talk with humans. But if you are not nice to him he will not come back to talk with you. If you want to write to him just e-mail Amethyst and put Drakke's name in the subject line. That way Amethyst know's it is for Drakke and will read it to him. Drakke says Thank You for stoping to talk with him. Come back soon.

Click on Amethyst to go to her Dragindex

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