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& Nursery

Welcome to Emeralds Lair.
Emerald is Amethyst's Sister. Emerald is helping Amethyst take care of some of the hatchlings that were orphaned. Emerald is loving being a nanny to these cute little hatchlings. She has not been able to be a mother her self yet. Now she can taste what it is like to be a mother. If you have any advice for her about taking care of the hatchlings she would like to hear from you. Or if you would like to e-mail one of the hatchlings just E-mail Emerald at :

Emerald would love to Thank You for coming to visit her and the hatchlings.So please sign Amethsyt's Scroll so she can contact you. Come back and vist her some time.

This is the first hatchling that Emerald was given to take care of. Her name is Sapphire. She is not a normal dragon as you can see. She has some fur. She is a Dimar hatchling. She is very curious about the world around her. She keeps Emerald on her toes, making sure she does not get into trouble with her curiosity. Sapphire loves to jupmp off of rocks trying out her new wings and pretending she can fly. She is still too young to fly. Sapphire says hi and that she hopes you come back to see her. She would like you to be her friend. If you want to write her a note just e-mail Emerald and have the subject line say Sapphire so Emerald knows it is for Sapphire. She then will read it to Sapphire. Emerald may even let Sapphire respond if you are nice to her. Come back soon to see Sapphire.

Emerald is not sure what kind of dragon hatchling this is. If you know please e-mail her at the e-mail address at the top of the page. She sure would like to know. This hatchling is named Dargo. He is very wary of people still so hides in the egg hatched from. Maybe you can get him to come out and play. If you would like to write to Dargo just E-mail Emerald and she will read it to him.(e-mail address at the top of page) Come back and visit Dargo. He needs all of the contact from others he can get. He will hopefuly not be as scared next time you visit. Thank You for stoping by to say hi to Dargo.


Lance was found at the Adopt a Dragon Foundation. He was in need of an adult who really cared about him. Emerald and Amethyst adopted Lance on Sunday July 8th, 2001. Lance is a teenager and is wanting to get his way all the time or gets an attitude. Emerald and Amethyst know he is only like this becaues he had no one to love him and show him how to love others. They are both doing there best to make him happy. Right now as you can see he wants to play his gutar instead of help with little Dargo. He is a big help with the little hatchlings and really does love them. He just thinks he has to act macho around Amethyst and Emerald. If you have any advice to give him e-mail Emerald and she will see that he gets the e-mail. Her e-mail address is at the top of the page. Lance says hi and he hopes you will come back to see him.

<--start copy here--> Supporter of the Adopt a Dragon Foundation <--end ADF Fragment-->

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Click on the egg to go to Amethyst's Nursery

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