God the Father, God the Son
And God the Holy Ghost,
Make up the Holy Trinity,
Which is our Heavenly Host.
God the Father who sits on high,
The Creator of all things,
God the Son, our Savior Jesus,
Lord of Lords, and King of Kings.
God the Holy Spirit,
Comforter to the soul,
Who dwells in the hearts of God's children,
On this troubled earth below.
God the Father who rules supreme,
Who sits on the Judgment throne,
God the Son, who came to earth,
To be born of flesh and bone.
God the Holy Spirit,
Our conscious and our guide,
So we may feel the Love of God,
When His mercy is applied.
God the Father, Who so loved the world,
That He gave His only Son,
So that whosoever believeth in Him,
May be saved from eternal damnation.
God the Son, who died on the cross,
And was raised up from the grave,
Who died for the sins of all mankind,
So through Him, we might be saved.
God the Holy Spirit,
Who works through me and you,
To spread His message of love and peace,
And salvation, pure and true.
~ Calvin Hart ~