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Check out Sketch art or original art skins created by Tracy James' and other artists 's Originals . Watch for future sites to be posted or sign up for our free news letter in August and we will send the sites to you !.

Tracy James
Origonal Web Art

Hello fellow Web surfers !
I would personally like to welcome you to my world ! Let me tell you a little about myself , My name is Tracy . I go by Tracy James ; Tracy being my first name and James, my husbands . I am a 33 year old house wife with three children . I love sketching , writing , reading and photography ; but most of all I love a challenge ! I graduated high school in "87" since then I have attended and graduated from Travel school , worked as a server , prep cook and as a high school custodian .
I first started using a computer in the later part of 1999, needless to say , I did not know a thing about web building HTML or email ! LOL
I was clueless to say the least ; However, very determined to learn . Since then I have taught myself through trail and error everything I know up to this point and would like to learn more about animated graphics and game designs .
The thing I love most about computers and web building is it is always a challenge , so far I have learned how to write some HTML , build and design logos , web browsers ,a little about graphics and a few other things .
My goal is to find employment in this field , or in a field where I can work from my home doing something I love to do . like web designs , I like being original , I take great pride in my work and spend up to 8 hrs a day or more discovering new and interesting concepts .