Hello fellow Web surfers !
I would personally like to welcome you to my world ! Let me tell you a little about myself , My name is Tracy . I go by Tracy James ; Tracy being my first name and James, my husbands . I am a 33 year
old house wife with three children . I love sketching , writing , reading and photography ; but most of all I love a challenge ! I graduated high school in "87" since then I have attended and graduated
from Travel school , worked as a server , prep cook and as a high school custodian .
I first started using a computer in the later part of 1999, needless to say , I did not know a thing about web building HTML or email ! LOL
I was clueless to say the least ; However, very determined to learn . Since then I have taught myself through trail and error everything I know up to this point and would like to learn more about
animated graphics and game designs .
The thing I love most about computers and web building is it is always a challenge , so far I have learned how to write some HTML , build and design logos , web browsers ,a little about graphics and
a few other things .
My goal is to find employment in this field , or in a field where I can work from my home doing something I love to do . like web designs , I like being original , I take great pride in my work
and spend up to 8 hrs a day or more discovering new and interesting concepts .