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Mystic Skin : A Tracy James Original

Skin Box
Origonal Art Skin
Animal skins
Children's Skins
Fantasy Skins
Florial Skinss
Holiday Skins
Name Tag skins
Special Occasions

Browser skins are great way to decorate your Internet Explorer Browser ! They are also a lot of fun to make . Most of these skins hold a personal interest for me , some are Original designs that were made from my personal sketch art , other browsers where created from clip art , art , pictures and other images that I have collected . To my knowledge all were free to the public for personal use .

All skins are free to the internet public to enjoy ! They were both a joy and a challenge to make ; I have had a lot of fun and hope to be able to make monthly updates . If their is something in particular you would like to see on a browser, or you like something you saw in mystic's and would like to see more of then please email me and I'll jump to the challenge !
Sincerely Tracy James


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