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There was a time I had an exciting life teaching at an intellectually stimulating university. It was at a truly challenging position in a most exotic location...(By the way,Can you find me in this picture?)

The University of Dakar in 1972 with my fellow Peace Corps Colleagues

Now, that You've seen the website, why not see the real thing? Just get on the JR Joban Line and head out to Kashiwa in Chiba Prefecture. Once you're there, walk out the Sogo Department Store exit, go down the stairs to the Nishogakusha School bus stop..It's an easy 15 ride to our beautiful campus. I'll be waiting for you at...

Nishogakusha University

More Links than you can imagine!!!

Nishogakusha- Truly one of a kind in every sense of the word!
My recent and past history
Rumi Kobayashi's Homepage
My international background
Last Week at Nisho
Homework Assignment for Last Week
Interesting and colorful things we did or will do at Nishogakusha
The Yoshiko MIzumoto Seminar in American Foreign Policy
Introducing the Yukihiro Iida Economics Seminar
Summer Vacation in HAwaii Thanks to Nishogakusha