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This is my award page I know there are only 2 here at this time but I guess this is what you may call the fewbut proud.

When I started writing these website was only to pass the time & a type of therapy to relax and take myself from the rest of the world and what ever was bothering me at the time.

I started a couple of years ago on a little Webtv which I truly loved (and still do).Webtv is highly under rated. With all the great sites for learning the HTML I don't think I would be able to do what I am today.

Also there was another catch. I meet a couple of webmaster friends through chatrooms and they were wonderful!
"Jokercat" and "ThunderWarrior" if you are still out there and happen to see this page. I want to say Thank You! Shall I not forget Strayknite70... He had the confidence to believe I was worth a chance and he bought me my first computer. Which before long should start paying off for him since I will have my own domain design, and website sales. Thanks Ben You are WONDERFUL!

Thank You Jay, Ron, Ben,
Ron ....aka Tygrpazz & Karen ... Karen2Luv
I want to thank the both oh you for being so supportive of my work from the very beginning
There are a other online friend I would Like to thank also but I know you are tired of reading this
Now last but not least I would like to thank my husband and Kids.
Which have had patience with he sitting up all hours of the night while I played with this thing.
For all the support you have given me.
Without y'all I don't think I would be where I am today Both are you are wonderful and very With there help I gained the confidence that I could do this. Before long I was addicted to It may sound funny but it is true. I have not yet looked online fore a support group like P.C. Anonymous, but I am sure if there were a online group the the computer addict it would be well attend...lmao.

I would like to thank both of these site for noticing my site. ~and~ Giving me the honor to display your awards and URL's here. Now without further ado here are the awards that I have been granted. You may want to take the time to check out these sites they are very worthy of your time.

Thanks Ginny this is Beautiful April 23, 2002
This was once again a surprise. Ginney was taking a new look at my site and updates and thought it deserve new reconition

This is my first award.
Thanks "Lady Elina" I hold this with Great Pride
November 20, 2001

Thanks Karen
This one I was nominated for and I want to thank
for her appreciation.

Thanks Ginny this is Beautiful January 14, 2002
Your site should be a inpiration to us all.

January 20, 2002
Thanks Gretchen this was a total suprise
and honor coming from such a site and a person as yourself.

January 21, 2002
Thanks Michelle I really did enjoy this relaxing contest.

Feburary 2, 2002
Thanks Katie This
for these next two awards
which weretotally unexpect
I also want to thank Susanne for nominating me for this award.
Your appreciation of my site
Is greatly apprciated

Febuary 4,2002 Thank You Marcelo
This was an award I recieved by someone surfing the net.
This award was not at all expectbut as I have stated before they seem to man the most to me.
Due to the appreciation of the webmaster that sent them.

Feb. 5, 2002
Thank You
Sylvie this was wonderful just as you.

Feb. 7, 2002
This was sent to me by surprise from a couple of great girls
Julie and Laura
Thanks Girls

Feb 10, 2002

Thanks Ginny, This is the second time I Have recieved a award from Ginney.
The last time I did not have everything complete.
(Which may never
But It is more complete with my own graphics
This is a real compiment to recieve Ginny's hightest award and if you look at her page you will know why. (Wink)

Febuary 19, 2002

Page 2 Of My Awards