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Page 2 Awards

Page 2 Of My Awards Thanks Angela
This was totally unexpected but very much appreciated.
Jan. 26, 2002

Advice Angel

Thanks Donna this is Beautiful Feburary 1, 2002
I really do treasure this award
with it I can see my work is really paying off.

Feburary 1, 2002
This was a wonderful suprise.
Totally unexpected. You don't know just how much this means to me.

Thanks Michelle this is a beautiful award
but what else can expect from such a site as yours!

March 10, 2002

Thanks Susanne this is a wonderful award and one I wanted
I appreciate it!

March 1,2002

The next two Awards come from Lady Ria,
which has wonderful website.
You should take a look when you have some extra time.
Thank Ria I appreciate the reconitions from such a wonderful Webmistress as yourself!

March 23, 2002

March 23,2002