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Links And awards Of our web sites!

EACH LOGO IS A LINK TO THAT WEB SITE! JUST CLICK ON TO THE LOGO AND GO! We are proud of what we have been doing and we improve every day! Thank U!

Alex Auto Repair
A nice place to get good service for your repairs while your here in Elgin.
They do our local printing. And do a excellent job. Always have a smile for us!
Hope you look at this one.
Its our web ring.
We look for you to join us!
Its so hard to do it alone.
We could use your help.
Cloe the clown to do your parites.
She is in the Chicago Area.
So give her a call or Fax.
Tell her we sent you!This moving sign is a link if you click it you will learn About TMJ!
Kim has been one of our friends for over a year. Stop by and see her web site!
Crystal is a cheerleader from Chicago She is so into dance and wanting to become an actress!

Joyces web site has a lot of different things.
Poems/recipes/Pretty graphics/cute stories!
Stop by and say hello!
Baby has lots of nice poems! Check Out her Web Site!

Laurie Has been a long time friend.
And we hope you check out her wonderful web site.

Sheryl's web site is full of nice poems and stories! Stop by and check it out!

The prettiest web site that I have seen. And they honor us with an award!
Ponie is one of my very first friends on the internet! We have spent so much good time. And our two familys has enjoyed each other!

A group of people that could use your help!
Click this link to stop Porn over the internet!

Join Going Platinum



Friends in graphics

Patti Designs


Dawn's Poetry of the Heart