This website has been checked by Dr. Watson V5.02. The webmaster has no control over lines 10 through 128 which are parts of the free server's ads. Results appear below:
Response code from
OK (code 200)
Analyzing HTML ...
Computing download speeds ...
Estimated download speed
Object type | Number | Size in bytes |
HTML | 1 | 18178 | 13.26 | 7.27 | 6.06 | 5.19 | 2.27 | 0.91 |
Images | 49 | 87045 | 63.49 | 34.82 | 29.02 | 24.87 | 10.88 | 4.35 |
Images preloaded by JavaScripts | 2 | 86 | 0.06 | 0.03 | 0.03 | 0.02 | 0.01 | 0.00 |
Total | 52 | 105223 | 76.75 | 42.09 | 35.07 | 30.06 | 13.15 | 5.26 |
Computing word counts ...
Word counts:
Checking spelling ...
Spelling Check
(clicking on the line # takes you to that line in the code)
AdManager found on line 46
Suggestions: Ad Manager, Ad-Manager, Adman ager, Adman-ager
DiXieWoRKz found on line 361
No suggestions
GUESTBOOK found on line 316
adChannel found on line 49
Suggestions: ad Channel, ad-Channel
angelfire found on lines 10 41 58 205 242 255 268 281 300 302 304 306 309 311 314 316 325 364 386
Suggestions: angel fire, angel-fire
chooseProductSet found on line 50
No suggestions
com found on lines 10 29 34 41 44 58 77 119 205 242 255 268 281 300 302 304 306 309 311 314 316 320 321 325 362 364 386 412 414 420 422
Suggestions: coom, Crom, corm, coma, comb, come, om, cm, bom, dom, mom, pom, ROM, tom, yom, cam, cum, cwm, cob, cod, coe, cog, col, con, coo, cop, cor, cos, cot, cow, cox, coy, coz, c om, c-om
dragstrips found on lines 47 58 88
Suggestions: drag strips, drag-strips, drags trips, drags-trips
google found on lines
Suggestions: goggle, googly, go ogle, go-ogle
isSlotAvailable found on lines 72 114
No suggestions
leaderboard found on lines 114 115
Suggestions: leader board, leader-board
lubid found on lines
Suggestions: lucid, Lupid, lurid, Lu bid, Lu-bid
lycos found on lines 29 34 41 44
Suggestions: Lycosa, Lycus, ly cos, ly-cos
memberembedded found on line 42
Suggestions: member embedded, member-embedded
objAdMgr found on lines 46 47 49 50 72 73 114 115 132
No suggestions
renderFooter found on line 132
Suggestions: render Footer, render-Footer
renderHeader found on line 50
Suggestions: render Header, render-Header
renderSlot found on lines 73 115
Suggestions: render Slot, render-Slot, renders lot, renders-lot
setAdGroup found on line 24
No suggestions
setForcedParam found on lines 47 49
No suggestions
strProdSetName found on line 50
No suggestions
taxid found on lines
Suggestions: taxied, taxi, tabid, taxed, taxis, tax id, tax-id, taxi d, taxi-d
var found on lines 28 29 40 41 42 46 50 100 104
Suggestions: VAR, Avar, voar, vair, vara, vare, vari, vary, ar, bar, car, dar, ear, far, gar, jar, lar, mar, nar, oar, par, sar, tar, war, yar, zar, VCR, vag, Vai, van, vas, vat, vau, Vax, v ar, v-ar
Link verifications
(clicking on the line # takes you to that line in the code)
javascript:window.external.AddFavorite('', 'Mr390AMX') AMX Pages AMX Pages
Search engine compatability:
You have a nice, short list of 10 important keywords in a META tag, good!
Checking site link count with Altavista ...
Site link popularity
1 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" 2 ""> 3 <HTML> 4 <HEAD> 5 <TITLE>Mr390AMX</TITLE> 6 7 <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> 8 <META name="description" content="AMX information and pictures concerning my AMX."> 9 <META name="keywords" content="AMX, AMC, Javelin, cars, racing, restoration, muscle, classic, collectors, vehicles"> 10 <meta http-equiv="pics-label" content='(pics-1.1 "" l gen true for "" r (nz 1 vz 1 lz 1 oz 1 cz 1) 11 gen true for "" r (nz 1 vz 1 lz 1 oz 1 cz 1))'> 12 13 14 15 </HEAD> 16 <body BGCOLOR="#000000" text="#FFFFFF" link="#FFFF00" alink="#FF3300" vlink="#FFFF00"> 17 <!-- ************************************************************* --> 18 <!-- * START ANGELFIRE AD CODE - PLEASE REMOVE WHEN EDITING PAGE * --> 19 <!-- ************************************************************* --> 20 21 <!-- revision: inline - $Change: 71568 $ --> 22 23 <script language="JavaScript" src="/sys/common_scripts.js"></script> 24 <script language="JavaScript">setAdGroup('');</script> 25 <script language="JavaScript"> 26 <!-- 27 // Cache-busting LUBID bug. 28 var ran = Math.round(Math.random() * 899999) + 100000; 29 var lubid_string = "<img src=\"" + ran + "\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\">"; 30 document.write(lubid_string); 31 //--> 32 </script> 33 34 <noscript><img src="" height="1" width="1"></noscript> 35 36 37 <!-- START: Catman header --> 38 39 <script> 40 var cm_role = "live" 41 var cm_host = "" 42 var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded" 43 </script> 44 <script src=""></script> 45 <script language="JavaScript1.1"> 46 var objAdMgr = new AdManager(); 47 objAdMgr.setForcedParam("keyword", "dragstrips"); 48 49 if(adChannel != "") { objAdMgr.setForcedParam("google_ad_channel", adChannel); } 50 var strProdSetName = objAdMgr.chooseProductSet(); objAdMgr.renderHeader(); 51 </script> 52 53 <!-- END: Catman header --> 54 55 <script language="JavaScript"> 56 <!-- 57 58 launchSidebar('', 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Helvetica, sans-serif"> 299 300 <A href=""><IMG SRC="/my/amx2/images/amxpic1sm04.jpg" width="44" height="31" alt="This is a picture of my car"></a> 301 302 <A href=""><IMG SRC="/my/amx2/images/burningtiressm04.jpg" width="44" height="31" alt="This is a picture of my car"></a> 303 304 <A href=""><IMG SRC="/my/amx2/images/startlinesm04.jpg" width="44" height="31" alt="This is a picture of my car"></a> 305 306 <A href=""><IMG SRC="/my/amx2/images/trackrearsm04.jpg" width="44" height="31" alt="This is a picture of my car"></a> 307 308 <BR> 309 <a href="">AWARDS</a></font> 310 <BR> 311 <a href="javascript:window.external.AddFavorite('', 'Mr390AMX')"> 312 <font face="Arial" size="2">Add to favorites</font></a> 313 <BR> 314 <a href="">Tell a friend</a> 315 <BR> 316 <a href=""><b><i>GUESTBOOK</i></b></a> 317 318 319 <!-- BEGIN FASTCOUNTER CODE --> 320 <a href="" target="_top"> 321 <img border="0" src="" width="90" height="16" alt="counter"></a> 322 <!-- END FASTCOUNTER CODE --> 323 <BR> 324 <font face="arial" size="2"> 325 <a href="">Disclaimer</a></font></div> 326 </td> 327 </tr> 328 </table> 329 </TD> 330 <TD ROWSPAN=8> 331 <IMG SRC="/my/amx2/images/temp_22.jpg" WIDTH="11" HEIGHT="327" ALT="This is a spacer gif entitled temp_22.jpg"></TD> 332 <TD> 333 <IMG SRC="/my/amx2/images/spacer.gif" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="177" ALT="This is a spacer gif"></TD> 334 </TR> 335 <TR> 336 <TD COLSPAN=6> 337 <IMG SRC="/my/amx2/images/temp_23.jpg" WIDTH="578" HEIGHT="50" ALT="This is a spacer gif entitled temp23"></TD> 338 <TD> 339 <IMG SRC="/my/amx2/images/spacer.gif" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="50" ALT="This is a spacer gif"></TD> 340 </TR> 341 <TR> 342 <TD ROWSPAN=6> 343 <IMG SRC="/my/amx2/images/temp_24.jpg" WIDTH="12" HEIGHT="100" ALT="This is a spacer gif entitled temp24"></TD> 344 345 <TD ROWSPAN=4> 346 <table width="72" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> 347 <tr> 348 <td width="72"> 349 <div align="center"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2" color="#CCCCCC"><img src="/my/amx2/images/390embtwo3.GIF" width="70" height="35" border="0" alt="This is a gif of a 390 emblem"></font></div> 350 </td> 351 </tr> 352 </table> 353 </TD> 354 <TD ROWSPAN=6> 355 <IMG SRC="/my/amx2/images/temp_26.jpg" WIDTH="27" HEIGHT="100" ALT="This is a spacer gif entitled temp25"></TD> 356 357 <TD COLSPAN=2 ROWSPAN=3> 358 <table width="455" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> 359 <tr> 360 <td width="455"> 361 <center><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#CCCCCC">2000-2004 "DiXieWoRKz". Designed by 362 <a href=" AMX Pages"><U>Crazy Wayne</U></a><BR>Questions concerning this AMX should be directed to:<a href=" AMX Pages"> <U>Mr390AMX</U></a> 363 <BR> 364 Who are these guys?<a href="" target="_new"><U>Click Here</U></a> 365 366 </font></center> 367 </td> 368 </tr> 369 </table> 370 </TD> 371 <TD ROWSPAN=6> 372 <IMG SRC="/my/amx2/images/temp_28.jpg" WIDTH="12" HEIGHT="100" ALT="This is a spacer gif entitled temp_28.jpg"></TD> 373 <TD> 374 <IMG SRC="/my/amx2/images/spacer.gif" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="23" ALT="This is a spacer gif"></TD> 375 </TR> 376 <TR> 377 <TD COLSPAN=4> 378 <IMG SRC="/my/amx2/images/temp_29.jpg" WIDTH="112" HEIGHT="10" ALT="This is a spacer gif entitled temp_29.jpg"></TD> 379 <TD> 380 <IMG SRC="/my/amx2/images/spacer.gif" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="10" ALT="This is a spacer gif"></TD> 381 </TR> 382 <TR> 383 <TD ROWSPAN=4> 384 <IMG SRC="/my/amx2/images/temp_30.jpg" WIDTH="10" HEIGHT="67" ALT="This is a spacer gif entitled temp_30.jpg"></TD> 385 <TD COLSPAN=2 ROWSPAN=3> 386 <A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"> 387 <IMG SRC="/my/amx2/images/amxbutton.gif" WIDTH="91" HEIGHT="35" BORDER="0" ALT="This is an amx button gif"></A></TD> 388 <TD ROWSPAN=4> 389 <IMG SRC="/my/amx2/images/temp_32.jpg" WIDTH="11" HEIGHT="67" ALT="This is a spacer gif entitled temp32"></TD> 390 <TD> 391 <IMG SRC="/my/amx2/images/spacer.gif" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="19" ALT="This is a spacer gif"></TD> 392 </TR> 393 <TR> 394 <TD COLSPAN=2 ROWSPAN=3> 395 <IMG SRC="/my/amx2/images/temp_33.jpg" WIDTH="455" HEIGHT="48" ALT="This is a spacer gif entitled temp_33.jpg"></TD> 396 <TD> 397 <IMG SRC="/my/amx2/images/spacer.gif" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="13" ALT="This is a spacer gif"></TD> 398 </TR> 399 <TR> 400 <TD ROWSPAN=2> 401 <IMG SRC="/my/amx2/images/temp_34.jpg" WIDTH="72" HEIGHT="35" ALT="This is a spacer gif entitled temp35"></TD> 402 <TD> 403 <IMG SRC="/my/amx2/images/spacer.gif" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="3" ALT="This is a spacer gif"></TD> 404 </TR> 405 <TR> 406 <TD COLSPAN=2> 407 <IMG SRC="/my/amx2/images/temp_35.jpg" WIDTH="91" HEIGHT="32" ALT="This is a spacer gif entitled temp_35.jpg"></TD> 408 <TD> 409 <IMG SRC="/my/amx2/images/spacer.gif" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="32" ALT="This is a spacer gif"></TD> 410 </TR> 411 </TABLE> 412 <a href=""><img src="/my/amx2/images/trustworthysm.jpg" border="0" width="87" height="31" alt="Trustworthy Website emblem-Go to Trustworthy website"></a> 413 414 <a href="" title="Search Engine Optimized"><img src="/my/amx2/images/1hitnew.jpg" border="0" height="40" width="80" alt="My site is search engine optimized emblem!"></a> 415 416 <a href="" title="Timelines"><img src="/my/amx2/images/TimelinesShow.jpg" border="0" height="29" width="121" alt="Timelines Innovative Friendly Certified Site emblem"></a> 417 418 <a href="" title="ICRA Site"><img src="/my/amx2/images/icraanimated.gif" border="0" height="31" width="88" alt="The ICRA emblem-Go to Site"></a> 419 420 <a href="" title="Lynx Inspected WebSite"><img src="/my/amx2/images/lynxinspected.gif" border="0" height="31" width="88" alt="Lynx Inspected WebSite emblem"></a> 421 422 <a href="" title="Cynthia Tested Inspected WebSite"><img src="/my/amx2/images/Ctested.gif" border="0" height="31" width="88" alt="The Cynthia Tested emblem-Go to Site button"></a> 423 </body> 424 </HTML>