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Top Story

Neopets and Scammers. On Neopets there are scammers who trick you into giving them your password. When they do get hold of it your acount is taken over! All your NP are transferred to the scammers acount along with any valuable (or in some cases all of the) items you have. Some scammers trick you by saying they will babysit your neopets while you are gone. All they need is your password. There is no point to this! A perfectly good Neopian Hotel sits at the main food shops. Other scammers say they have developed programs to multiply your NPs. Programs cannot do this. The Neopets team uses phtml code, not a 'program' for the site. For more on scammers and fun stuff,too, visit : Pink Poogle Toy.Com

Those Scammers Better Not
Hack My Account..OR ELSE!!!

Alana Kerr
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