Hey! It's me, Amanda Morgan!!! (Or.. what I go by...LOL) And you have come here to learn about me ??? How thoughtful!! Anyway, I will show you some pics(Whooopeee!!! I got a scanner! Now's the part where you all go "Ooohhh....Cool!!")So, I'll share a lil "Home Photos", none of me of course(unless they are @ a distance) because yes, my Dad IS a cop and when you're the daughter of a cop you get suspicious... (espcially when your Mom's a x-security manager... you keep a spare of boniculars carried in your back-pack purse at all times...) So, you will only the the info that I want you to have 'bout me... here goes!
Mandy Morgan(Or Amanda)And U really thought that was my real name!?
Age:Wouldn't you like to know!! (Let's just say the pics I'm gonna show you are from a long time ago)
Gender:Female!!! Good grief! LOL
Hair color:Blonde(That explains it..)
# of horses:3
State:Ha!Yeah right!
Zip Code:Whoa, you're getting pushy
Years as a RPG/SIM owner:1
Pets:(Including horses, chickens & all the works)16
Family Members:Watch it, dude! too personal
School:Go read about the Zip Code
I am a Christian and strong believer of God and Jesus.
I love comedy...I don't like sadness... I like happiness
I like funny movies
I am not that fond of scary movies
I love animals
I am crazy bout arabs and just watch...when I get to be a grown-up I will have my very own Arab farm...I will be a raiser and breeder
Ok now to the pictures... I hope you like!
Me and my first horse, Delta.The first time I rode her, (the first time I ever rode a horse, I took off on her bare-backed and w/ nothing. No bridle, no saddle, no pad, no nothing. We loved each other!)She retired bout a year ago at 26. This pic was taken a long time ago. (Can't find any recent pics to put up here.) I have changed alot since then and look nothing like that.
Well, sorry but that's all the pics I have scanned right now. I will put more up soon.