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The dreaded person...Jack. As a child, Jack grew up always wanting to "catch" everything that was on his Father's farm.He was ALWAYS catching Dogs, Cats, lizards, snakes, and on. When he was a teen, he went with his friends on a mustang round-up. Every year, he gets money for all the Mustangs he round up and sells to the Slaughter House. His total, for about a normal year, was 5,000. Horrible. The population went down to about 400 living in the areas he called home.

He was caught doing one of the most illegal things you could to in this place. He was rounding up mustangs,as usual, and was caught bargaining with the butcher/slaughter man. He was sent to jail when he was 17 and escaped when he was 19. Far away from where he was caught, he thinks surely they wouldn't look here. He has moved here to the Hidden Desert to be one of the two humans that know about this place. Soon to be many if he succeeds.

He has taken a liking to Arabs now. He thinks with beasts with such beauty at this, are bound to sell for more than ratted mustangs/brumbies. He has taken a long train ride over many, many seas and contenintents to get to this part of the Desert. His house can be found 38 miles away from here. He will round up as many Mares as he can, he's not particularly fond of dealing with stallions, he thinks their too much trouble for the rich 50 cents a pound he gets from a well-paying private company. But, very rarely, he will take a stallion considering the stallion weighs more than most mares.

Watch out for him...he's trouble!!

Jack doesn't always Slaughter. In fact, he rarely slaughters.(See RULES)If he sees you are very beautiful, and talented, he will keep you here and tame you.

Rules for Jack:

  • 1.I will post on the Disasters board which horse has been captured. You MUST (MUST)immediately once you see your name(another reason for checking DISASTERS every day!)report to The Barn. If not, he will get angry and maybe sell you to the Slaughter House.
  • 2.Do not freak if your name or one of your herd's name shows up on D-Board.(Disasters) Stallions can always challenge back for thier foals/mares. To challenge back, post on the Jack's Challenges(On this page) NOT on Hidden Desert's page!!! I will roll a die, as usual, 1,3,5 Jack keeps them 2,4,6 she/he goes back to Hidden Desert.
  • 3.Keep it real.This is just to spice up the game...not to Powerplay.
  • 4.You don't want to be caught!!! Wild Horses would do ANYTHING TO STAY AWAY FROM HUMANS!! Don't go(Like I've seen in many sim games)"I can't stand it any longer. My herd has made me an outcast. I might as well be with humans."*Walks up and puts himself into a barn*. NOO!No! No! and no AGAIN!!! Be real!! Herds do anything to survive! To stay WILD!
  • If he decides to train you, consider yourself safe. Someday, you might be free.You will live in the Barn, and will be trained in the Paddock.

    Slaughter House