Yeah, you gotta have rules. Ick, yeah, but, gotta have 'em.
I am very strict on rules. If I was playing a realistic SIM/RPG, I would want real strict rules, also. So, you like it or you don't.
Get Real,Peoples.
This is going to be REALISTIC! No bowing, giving roses and such!!! The whole object is for the Stallions to have the BIGGEST herd, and be known everywhere!! To do that, stallions don't say:"M'Lady, will you please join me in my Beautiful territory, Sissy Falls?"*Blinks eye lashes and layes a gold rose at her beautiful hooves* Ahh, how cute! NOT! Get real!!
Just Some Stuff
Stallions & mares do NOT have "Mates". Really. They have herds!! Stallions do NOT favor mares, they have herds, and like I said, the object is to have many foals sired by you and to increase the Arab breed and to have many, many mares w/ a large herd.
No TBs, QHs, Ponies, etc.
One month(RL)equals one yr(ASOTT)Arabians Sands of Time Time. Easy small aging thing.
I either mentioned it before this or after this that all herds never stay in the same tt forever. They move alot. So, no stallion "owns" a tt, they just live in that area for the time being.The highest # of herds living in one area will be four(4). The lowest is one(1). If you are left with a herd and no place to go, see "Challenges" in the mare's section. I will put some more challenge rules up here later so I can make myself clearer and people can understand.
On the TTs page, next to the pic, will be a little about it.It will say how many RL days it takes to move to this tt.(No matter which you are in right now). There will be a "Traveling" board to post on while you are moving from Point A to Point B.
Mares may fight for position as follows:(Greatest to Least)
No more positions. It gets too confusing after that.
Mares can breed ONLY when I post on the announcements part of the site when it is "Mating Season".Only then, and ONLY then will I allow breeding. If people choose to offend this rule, the breeding board will be taken down UNTIL Mating Season.
Mares may challenge for the above places. I will roll a dice and if it is 2,4,6,the Challenged mare keeps her place. If 1,3,5, the Challenger wins.You have to post in the Challenge Msgbrd (Message Board)who you have challenged,and what for, and who you are, the Alpha Stallion's name and what territory you are currently living in. Example:"I, Star, challenge She, Blaze, for Alpha mare in The Plains w/ Snip as the Alpha Stallion" I will post, for example, let's say I rolled 4.Blaze would keep her position. But, if I rolled 3,Star would take Alpha. My message would look like:
(If blaze won) "Star tries to battle Blaze but blaze is too much. They beat each other up pretty badly, but not bad enough to go to the Recovery Meadows.
So, Blaze keeps her position as Alpha mare.
Stallions can steal mares! Although,one(1) stallion can steal only one(1)mare per five(5) days, or stealing would be hectic! Stallions Post:I,_your name____ steal ____mare's name____ from _Stallion's name_ in ___TT(Territory) name______and I am going to ----(tt that you are going to, and has to be correct)
If the previous stallion does not reply to the stealing message in 24 hours, the mare stays with the new stallion.(The mare has no say and cannot sneak) However, if he does, the mare goes back to her old tt.(No say in this either, mares)
Joining as a Mare:
Post this:
Immediately, when a stallion joins, they are a Bachelor Stallion. That means you have no herd and no mares. You will have to challenge for a territory. (See CHALLENGE is mare's section up there)
And once you have a herd, you must be the FIRST stallion to claim a mare at the joining board, for they have to go withthe first stallion there. No choice.If you are fighting over a mare,then go to Challenge board(See CHALLENGE is mare's rules section)and I will do that whole deal.
Remeber, stallions, your goal is to get tons of mares and have lots of foals sired by you. You are trying to dominate. But, again, you can ONLY BREED DURING BREEDING SEASON which I will post on News/Announcements board.
No real life(rl) herd would ever live in one territory their whole life!!! They travel, alot! In fact, they move about to 3 different places in 5 days!!! But, there is no set dates when you should move. There will be weather sections in the home site,Arabian Sands of Time
Disasters are things like weather that happen in certain tts. Stallions must check this site often, for your herd could be in danger of bad weather or Cougers or such. If you see the area that you are in is in danger, you should move your herd to a less dangerous spot. If you don't, your herd could be in danger, like a mare hurt, or even a stallion. That will slow the herd on getting to a new tt.
Joining as a Stallion:
You will need to post this:
Hey! So, you are going to start young? Good!! Fillies are female baby horses. They are young, spirited and fast. They stick very close to their mothers for 1 week in RLT.(Real Life Time)
After that 1 week, they venture out. They must leave their mothers at 1 year.(1 month RLT)They must then leave and post at the mare's board, where a Stallion will claim them. Just like joining, the filly goes with the #1. stallion that gets to her first and posts first!
Remeber, leave at 1 month RLT, and 1 year ASOTT.(Arabian Sands of Time Time)
You are going to start as a colt? Good!
Further questions? Email me!(Dont change the Subject)
Ready to join?Join
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