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Ok. This is nothing to be laughing about. It is all REAL stuff that happens to horses thousands and MILLIONS of times EACH WEEK! Now, ask yourself, IS THAT FUNNY?! What would you do, now listen to this...

What would you do, if you have a beloved pet. A horse. You loved her and she loved you. You had her since you were, hmmm... 4. Very long time. You know her every move, how she does them and when she will do them.Then...

You make room for a show horse. A very fine show horse worth thousands of $$$'s . You retire her/him (your older horse) to a farm/ranch or just some place that will hold him/her to retire.

  • Behind your back, she/he is taken to an auction.

  • Sold to a "Killer Buyer".

  • Bang! There goes FLUFFY!

  • One night, you are eating. But what are you eating? Maybe your horse or the MILLIONS of others! Of course, you are un-aware.

    Alright, ok, I am sorry if that upset you. LOL It was just an example to get you wanting to help! Anyways, onto the pictures. Here are some to look at and think about.I didn't make these, I found them off other web-sites.

  • A new baby filly is born!what a joy!only tofind out though that her mother is a premarin mare,to be sent back in a week or so to be inpregnated again for her urine...then this foal will be led to an unhappy death....she is sent ni this crammed trailer with many other foals,all dirty and not fed or anything.they stay there for a while...get fattened up since they are so small...then they start to be led down a line of horses...s cotting up a spot inch by inch....then when they near the front of the line about 7 spots back they see a man....he puts something by the horses head and a loud noise comes out,the horse drops to ther gruond wheer a machine picks its hind legs up and dangles it upside down,then some other guy comes and slits it throat,the foals,fillies and other horses get very nervous and antsy..they scream for their lives because they know these will be their last few minutes...soon it is the fillys turn,she screams and neighs until BOOM! the bullet gun hits her..... help end horse slaughter and stop the abuse!

  • This miniture horse is in a slaughetr house ready to be killed and chopped up into little peices.Look how much his body is distorted and in bad shape and how he is filthy and uncared for.