Pictures during and at the end of the school year (once again, I failed to take pics of everyone but oh well)

*top: Bryce, Stephen, Ismael, Jordan, Paige, David, and Elisa*
*middle: Leisel, Dawn, Blake, Dalina, and Chris*
*bottom: Elisabeth and Elisabeth*
posing in the courtyard hill

*Marilyn, Me, Andrew, and Paige* bored

The shorter girls of Orchestra *Alicia, Alex, Iliana, and Jennifer* doing their homework

*Paigie's* method of releasing anger (hee hee)

*Daniel and Dawn* before t he Theatre concert

*David* in his tuxedo

On their way to orch estra, *Ryan and Paige*

*Me, Alisha, Paige, Elisabeth, and Elisa* after an orchestra concert

*Daniel* next to THE tree

*David, Jennifer, Daniel, Lisa, and Marilyn* waiting for class in the Green Hall

*Sumner* being a true black man

*Cruz, Andrew, Jordan, Paige, Blake, Dawn, and Joel* in the Red Hall

*background: Kevin, Jordan, Daniel, and Blake* *main:Joel, Paige, Marilyn, and Michael*

*Pu* with my hands, making Leah's vagina

*Stephen, Iliana, Heather, Elisabeth's sister, E dgar, Jake, and Mr. Behrens* in the Orchestra Hall

A picture *Julie* gave me of herself

*Jorel, Edgar, Andrew, Ryan, and Nick* chilling in the circle of the Band Hall

*Julie and Jessica* in English class
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*Brian, Julie, Osagie, Jessica, and Jordan* during Ms. Racine's last class*

*Paige, Julie, and Dalina* in the group NHS photo (got off of Akins Website)

"I needa go potty!" says *Paige*

*Karen, Ryan (pledging???), and Lauren*
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Chilling in the Green Hall, *David, Jennifer, Me, Jordan, and Edgar*

*Jared* pushing *Alisha* outta the picture for some odd reason

*Lisa and Jennifer* during Lunch

*Sumner, Daniel, and Stephen* signing my yearbook (they better have at least)

*Dalina, Chris, Blake, Julie, Jordan, Dawn, Paige, and Elisabeth* sitting at our lunch table

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*Stephen and Guacamole* in the Cafeteria

*Leah and Andrew* looking normal

*Hong and Alex* about to leave to summer

*Dalina* being accepted to the NHS (got off of Akins Website)

*Charlie, Jessica, Cruz, and Ruby* under THE tree