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My Valentine Page

My Favorite Valentine

Sweet angel my love for you grows
whether we are apart or together
It can never be broken fade or diminish
The feelings I have remain now and forever
My lady my love my sweet inspiration
my bravery my chivalry my sweetest muse
You are all these to me never doubt this my love
You are the one for me
the lady I choose
All things lovely sweet and fair
these are the things that remind me of you
sweetest one
The beauty the joy the song in my heart
the sweet joy of loving you
The lady who beams like the sun
Remember sweet lady that you hold my heart
Please never be gone for so long
Please never let anything keep us apart
My love I give to thee sweetest Dawn

Eternal Love,
The K.S.S.

My Valentine to Mybeloved

There's a place
deep inside of me
that i show
to no one but You
There are words
I speak
that only you
will ever hear
There are secrets
and dreams
and thoughts
that I save
Just for You...
because you,
My beloved,
have brought
me happiness
that no one else
has ever known

My Valentine Gifts to You

To save gifts right click on gift a
and save to your computer

He is the stars you see in my eyes

To see my Valentines
click on the gold heart

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My Valentines Pixie

Happy Valentines Day! *s*

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