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If the person's name is red/purple and you can click on it, that means that they have a webpage, and that's how to get there. ^_^ I would like to thank the following people: for the following reasons:

Jessi H.: For basically being the person who intoduced me to Anime, and making me mad because I can't draw, or spell, but warshiping me because of my pocky! ^_^

Heidi: for being there to hit me. ONLY WHEN I NEED TO BE HIT THOUGH! You not that great at random acts of KINDNESS. ^_^

Mike F.: You know, you are only in here because I feel sorry for you because you are always being hit by Heidi for no reason. And because you are just weird. AND, because your there at lunch. I guess....yeah. Whatever. ^_^

Becky S., Ace(<~~~Hehehe) G., and Kaela H.: Just for being there. Mostly Kaela is just there, then Becky is just there to hit me (along with Heidi), and Ace is just there for me to annoy. ^_^

Brett W.: For lending my Manga, letting me buy CCS 5 off of you, and buying me pocky! ^_^ THANKIES!

Corinne and Megin A.: For being good freinds and buying me stuff at Epcot. ^_^ Well, probably for more, but I just can't think of it right now.

Mom and Dad: For getting me a computer. For saying, "Movie will be a good thing," and for taking me to the mall! THANKS! *not like you're gonna read this. ^_^

Sarah and Em: For being neighbors, and lending me all that anime, and STILL lending me anime. Sarah, thanks for getting obsessed with the Sims so I can play at your house, and Em, thanks for giving me all your "Mess up" drawings that really "SUCK." ^_^

EVERYONE ELSE!: Everyone else I forgot, thank you for helping me in whatever way you have. I owe you more than I've given you. WHOOSH! ^_^



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