Historical Dates
Edited by Beth

Contributions by Muddle, Valerie
the New York Public Library Desk Reference
1840 - 1868 Approx 400,000 emigrated across Wyoming via the Oregon and Overland trails
1847 Stockton founded as a town called "Tulesburg."
1848 On January 24th, James Marshall discovers Gold in the Coloma Valley.
1849 The Gold Rush of 1849 kicks in as thousands of gold seekers come to California.
On October 13th, 48 delegates signed "The Original Constitution of California."
1850 On September 9th, California is admitted to the Union as the 31st state.
1854 Sacramento becomes the official state capital of California
1856 First railroad in California, connecting Sacramento and Folsom.   There was a railroad from Stockton to Sacramento before the Transcontinental Railroad was started.
1860 The first irrigated farm in California
Telegraph links California to the East
Abraham Lincoln elected, barely in California (First election results via telegraph)
Southern states begin to secede from the Union.
1861-1865 Civil War
1865 Lincoln assassinated
1865-1869 Andrew Johnson, President
1865-1877 Reconstruction of the South. The last states were readmitted to the Union in 1877. (Remember that when you watch Court Martial or They Called Her Delilah.)
1868 University of California (Berkeley) founded
1869 The Central Pacific railroad, building eastward from Sacramento, meets the Union Pacific in Utah.
First professional baseball team - The Cincinnati Red Stockings (not the same as the current Reds. Oldest professional team is the Chicago Cubs, who started as the White Stockings in 1876 - Custer was still alive!)
1869-1877 Ulysses S. Grant, President
1869 Victoria Claflin Woodhull becomes the first woman candidate for U.S. President
1870 Ada H. Kepley, first woman to graduate from law school
1871 The first U.S. National Park opens, Yellowstone.
1873 - 1878 Recession grips the country. Big Valley takes places during hard economic times.
1875 The current state capital building is completed.
1876 San Francisco and Los Angeles are joined by railroad
General Custer defeated at Little Big Horn
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer published
1877 - 1881 Rutherford Hayes, President
1879 California adopts its State Constitution (note: retains the limited rights of women to own property and "community property" at times of divorce.)
3/1881-9/1881 James Garfield becomes U.S. President in March of 1881, assassinated September of 1881.
1885 Stanford University is founded by the President of the Central Pacific Railroad, in memory of his son.
1886 First trainload of California oranges (remember the Barkleys) is transported to the east.
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