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The Barkleys Buy a Car
by Ees
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Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission. No copyright infringement is intended. No infringement is intended in any part by the author, however, the ideas expressed within this story are copyrighted to the author.

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A little scenario of what would happen if Nick went to buy the family vehicle.
What do you think for the Barkley family car? A vehicle that they could all pile in and not worry about being squished.

I see the family riding in a Suburban most likely 4x4. The color of the truck would depend entirely who went to buy it. Jarrod and Victoria would want a black or silver, something dignified. Audra would pick out a pale blue to match her eyes. Heath probably a taupe or hunter green. Now Nick would pick red. He would be in the showroom gazing lovingly at the shiny red truck with the black running boards. Dark tinted windows in the back, against the law for any front windows(door ones too) to be tinted in California. While heath would be trying to deal with the salesman, Nick would be making himself comfortable in the truck and making a snap decision. As Nick is trying to close the deal, Heath will trying to convince him that red is not appropriate and that mother will not approve. Nick laughs it off and says he knows what he is doing.

Back at the ranch, Nick swings open the front door and starts bellowing , "Mother! Audra! Jarrod! Silas!"

He goes back out the front and just gleams at the new RED truck. The rest of the family and Silas come out and stare. Heath starts to melt into the background and covers his mouth with his hand.

"What is this?" asks Jarrod.

"It's the new family truck. What did you think it was?" says Nick.

"I thought we had decided on black or silver?

"You decided on black or silver. I picked red!"

"Heath, I thought you were supposed to keep this from happening?" Jarrod said as he saw Heath trying to sneak in the house.

"I tried..........." Heath started.

"Supposed to keep what from happening?" asked Nick.

" He was supposed to keep you from making us all look like a spectacle."

"Is that a fact?! Well for your information I think red is the perfect Color for the Barkley family!" Nick said with his hands on his hips and rocking back on his heels.


"I want everyone to know when the Barkleys have arrived."

"truck.jpg (7067 bytes)With you along we don't need a red truck for that."

"Red! Oh Mother, I just can't!" Audra stammered as she turned and ran back into the house.

"What's with that?" Nick asked.

"I better go make some tea." Silas quickly went back in.

Victoria had not said a single word the entire time. She just stood there with her hand slightly covering her smiling mouth as her sons argued back and forth.

"Nicholas." she said and then gestured toward the truck.

Knowing his mother he only said "Yes Mother." Nick walked over to driver's side muttering to himself, got in and drove off. Back to the dealership to trade the red truck for another.

As Nick drove off, Jarrod and Heath burst out laughing and Victoria just shakes her head and says, "That son of mine."

Later that evening, Nick walks in the front door and slams it. Everybody has already retired for the evening so he goes upstairs to his room. However, Jarrod was in the study, he sees Nick go up. He peeks out the front window stars smiling and shaking his head. The new Suburban is now dual color, silver on the top and red on the bottom.

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