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Agate is a banded microcrystalline quartz.
It is often found with other quartz minerals such as amethyst and carnelian.
Agates are very powerful healing stones. They are grounding but also build
up energy. They will tone and strengthen the link between body and mind,
imparting a sense of strength and courage and enhancing the ability to discern
truth and accept circumstances. they are balancing and
stabilising to all bodies.

Chakra: According to colour of the stone.

Botswana Agate

Use both the grey and pink varieties at the
heart chakra. It will assist in calming the heart and grounding the heart
energies into the physical body. Enhances creativity and imparts a
strength of character and understanding. Use for opening the Crown Chakra.
Helps maintain concentration and attentiveness. Use to help
clear the body toxins, especially those left behind by the use of drugs.
Excellent to help those recovering from addictions.

Fire Agate

Assists in lifting lethargy. Strengthens
physical vitality, cuts through sluggishness and helps focus on the present.
Assists in circulatory and nervous system disorders. Helps clear blocks
on the emotional and physical bodies. Brings clarity and understanding
to all situations.

Tree Agate

When used at the crown chakra,
tree agate will help to slow down fast-moving energies that the mental body
cannot handle. It is less grounding than other agates. Tree Agate
is a good companion at the heart chakra for soothing emotional pain.

Moss Agate

Is a powerful, physical healer, especially
for heart and lung dis-ease. Works on the emotional and mental patterns and
regenerates tissues. A good stone for people with cancer to assist in recognising
negative patterns that are eating away at them. A link to the plant and
mineral kingdoms, assisting in communicating with the natural world and nature spirits.
Excellent as an elixir for skin disorders


Alexandrite is a variety of chrysoberyl
and is an extremely rare stone which changes colour according to the light,
from greenish to deep purple and red. Because of it's rarity, it is very expensive,
so most alexandrites on the market have been grown in laboratories rather than
naturally over thousands of years.

Chakra: Crown.


Alexandrite is a regenerative stone,
aiding the tissues of the body to renew after dis-ease - both internally and
externally. It reacts positively on the nervous system, spleen and pancreas.
Its regenerative properties also apply to spiritual transformation and growth.
It helps to align the emotional and mental bodies. It enhances your ability to
find joy in life. It's changing colour signifies a spiritual metamorphosis and
it is therefore an excellent sotne for 'newcomers' to spiritual growth.


Amazonite is an opaque, blue-green feldspar.

Chakra: Throat.


Can be held in meditation to take you
beyond your physical self. Helps alleviate the fear of out-of-body experiences.
Strengthens heart and physical body. Excellent for enhancing creative
expression and gives a clearer vision of your harmful tendencies, making them
easier to release. Amazonite can be useful for someone who is terminally
ill - having it in the room can benefit their transition. Provides a sense of
continuity and understanding between body and spirit. Beneficial for opening
the throat chakra to receive the healing energies of the blue ray.
Soothing to the nervous system, and excellent for building confidence and
self-esteem and a belief in oneself. Aligns the physical, astral and etheric
bodies, making astral travel easier and the coming back smoother.
Balances male and female energies.


Amber is the fossilised resin of pine trees, formed fifty to seventy million years ago. It ranges in colour from light yellow to golden brown, and often has inclusions of insects, parts of plants, carbon deposits or air bubbles.

Chakra: Navel/Sexual, Solar Plexus.


Amber has uplifting energies and is
especially helpful when you are feeling weighed down with responsibilities.
It is good for people with suicidal tendencies and those who easily get depressed.
Helps you find humour and joy. Creates a balance between daily life and
spiritual expansion. Use amber when you are feeling powerless or out of control,
to remind you of your inner strength and past achievements. Amber has a positive
effect on the endocrine system, spleen and heart and has a healing,
soothing, harmonising influence.
Amber revitalises the internal organs when used for healing. Worn as jewellery,
it can be grounding and stabalising. When used at the solar plexus,
amber will enhance intellectual clarity about your future path.
Absorbs toxins from the environment.


A member of the quartz family that
ranges in color from light lavender, through violet to almost black.
Australian amethyst is particularly dark.

Chakra: Third Eye or Crown.


Enhances right-brain activity.
It is a blood cleanser and energiser. Assists purification and regeneration
and cuts through illusion.
Amethyst has a calming mental effect, and is one of the best stones to use for
meditation. Use for overworked, overstressed and overwhelmed mental states.
Especially good for people suffering from reoccurring nightmares.
Amethyst will help clear and transform energies in the environment
where it is placed, and will help to release unbalanced energies. Also helps
you understand your dreams.
Amethyst has strong protective qualities and will enhance psychic abilities
and spiritual awareness. Balances and soothes an over-active mind.
Mythology says that amethyst helps us remain sober; it is the stone that
Bacchus used to cure his drunkenness.
Amethyst can also be used for cleansing other crystals and stones,
by placing them on an amethyst cluster.
The endocrine and immune systems can be strengthened by amethyst,
and it is useful in the treatment of emotional/mental disorders, nervous
disorders and easing pain. As an elixir it is good for easing the
pain of arthritis.


A combination of amethyst and citrine which
occurs when amethyst is naturally heated in the ground or natural environment.

Chakra: Solar Plexus, Third Eye and Crown.


Ametrine combines the energies and
properties of amethyst and citrine, and is a stone of transformation and change,
signified by it's changing color.
It clears blocks at the solar plexus, particualrly those related to fear
of the unknown and fear of change. Ametrine provides for clearer insight into
your reason for being and ease of decision making. It is an excellent
meditation stone that will assist you in going deeper and clarifying issues and
problems. Ametrine will also assist in making meditation more productive.
Relieves stress and tension and provides a calming effect.
A good stone to use in long-term work in developing spiritually and psychically.
A friend.


Clear or green crystal, most commonly found in Poona, India. Green is much rarer.

Chakra: All chakras, but especially the Crown for clear and the Heart for green.

Clear Apophyllite

This crystal enhances clarity of mind and
enables you to let go of old patterns. It is uplifting and cheerful. Helps in
contacting your guides and teachers. A link to past lives. Beneficial to
many organs, but especially the heart, adrenal glands, spleen and brain.
Stimulates intuition and raises energy levels.

Green Apophyllite

When you are making big changes in your life,
especially in the development of your spiritual path, green apophyllite
will help you on your journey. Balances the heart chakra. Helps you communicate
with nature and the environment. Calming for the mind and emotionally balancing.
A soft and gentle stone. Activates the heart chakra. Corresponding organs are
the heart, muscles, spleen and brain.


Light blue to blue and sometimes slightly
greenish, translucent crystal; a member of the beryl family.

Chakra: Throat.


Helps you find deeper satisfaction
when you are feeling discouraged or empty. Teaches you to value yourself and
others. Reassuring, uplifting, points towards spiritual fulfilment.
Aquamarine enhances clarity of mind and has a beneficial effect on the kidneys,
liver, spleen and thyroid. It is a purifying stone and an excellent balancer
on all levels. Aquamarine is good for assisting in banishing fears and
phobias and imparts feelings of inspiration, calmness, peace and love. Helps
in situations where you need to be in control.
This gemstone shields the aura from negative vibrations, and can temporarily
protect you from pollution. It's energy is that of water, flowing but strong,
gentle and compassionate. It activates and cleanses the throat chakra.
Excellent for treating glandular problems and disorders of the eyes.


White, brown, yellow, purplish, or reddish in colour. Twinned hexagonal crystals.

Chakra: According to colour of stone.


Aragonite balances the male and female
aspects of character. It also balances the emotions, especially of those who
are over-emotional or overly blocked. A very calming and nurturing crystal
which enhances sensitivity and creativity, and gives you the ability to give
and receive with comfort. Enhances intellectual clarity and perception.
Beneficial for the nervous system, heart and brain. An excellent meditation stone.
Stimulates communication and insight.


This stone is usually green with sparkly
inclusions of hematite or mica. It is a member of the quartz family.Peach (also
known as red and orange) and blue aventurine are now also available.

Chakra: According to colour of stone.

Green Aventurine

Aids in releasing anxiety and fear.
Stimulates muscle tissue, strengthens blood. Independence, health and well-being
are enhanced by using this stone.
Grren aventurine will help you move on from a limited vision of your capabilities.
It encourages exploration and creativity in many ways, and is helpful in career
assessment and changes. Assists in bringing in feelings of emotional tranquillity
and a positive attitude towards life. A good stone to carry or wear in times of
emotional turmoil and stress to assist in balancing.
An all-round healer.

Blue Aventurine

Helps you to see the way forward more clearly
in all aspects of your life, and helps solve problems. However, do not rely
too closely on this stone for 'answers', for what it will do is show you what
choices are available. It is up to you to make the final decision.
Blue aventurine will assist in breaking down belief systems that prevent you
from taking the most beneficial path. Imparts a sense of belief in yourself and
your ability to make correct decisions.
It is advantageous to use blue aventurine when exploring options for careers,
relationships and future foundations. Its energies are very focused and constant.
It can be a very good friend in difficult times.

Peach Aventurine

A good companion to the regenerative and
rejuvenative energies of carnelian. Peach aventurine works on the physical body
to help heal damaged muscle tissue. A good stone to use following childbirth
to strengthen the muscles. Peach aventurine will help you in following your gut
feelings about the future, particularly in relation to spiritual matters.
Use with blue aventurine and green aventurine when decisions need to be made,
to calm and still the mind and heart.


Deep (royal) blue. Takes the form of a
dense aggregate, small crystals or spherical balls. Often occurs with malachite
and/or chrysocolla near copper deposits.

Chakra: Third Eye.


The energies of change and purification.
Increases intuitiveness and sensitivity. Steady inward focus. Good stones
for meditation to help clear and balance the third eye so it can receive
finer energies.
Azurite initiates transformation and is good to use with other transformational
stones related to the third eye. It facilitates clear meditation and
will help cleanse the mental body, thereby assisting clarity. Encourages the
process of renewal by assisting mental patterns to surface so they can
be reviewed. Enhances communication with others and the ability to listen.
Use at the third eye when you are having problems seeing clearly.
Enhances creativity, intuition and psychic ability. Excellent for use in
meditation to enhance the relaxed state.

Azurite-Malachite combination

When used at the third eye, the azurite-malachite
combination stone will strengthen the abilities of azurite alone,
bringing more clarity, understanding and clearer vision.

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