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           DREAMS SYMBOLS          


DANCING. = Is a preliminary to making love, with people
and animals alike. = Making love.

The DARK. - Especially a dark nocturnal atmosphere in dreams:
= The conscious intellect is too self-reliant and is ignoring the emotional passive
realm of womanhood. Irrational fear of the dark may be fear that the conscious
spirit will be swallowed up again in the aboriginal unconscious from which
it emerged by a long process of evolution.
= The unknown in general, or death. Or something that the dreamer doesn't want
to look at too clearly; something in the darkened place he would rather not see.
Being cramped in a dark space: = Being back in the womb. = Gloom,
depression (the setting may indicate the mood).

DEATH. Someone the dreamer loves dying: = Since the dreamer's own unconscious
has arranged for the death, it expresses the hostile, aggressive side of his
emotional involvement which finds no outlet in everyday life. Sometimes the death
wish may date from childhood, but in any case dreams, reestablish the spontaneous
attitudes of childfood, which flare up easily. This underlying hostility
accompanies almost all cases of intense devotion.
Dreaming of a death of a parent: = The ingredient of antagonism in the love is heightened
by the son's rivalry for the attention of his mother or the daughter's wanting
her mother out of the way in order to be closer to her father. In this case
dreams act as a safety valve.
If the dream is accompanied by anxiety: = The anxiety may be more about
the dreamer's own hostility and aggression than genuinely for the other person.
However, there may be an element of wanting a really vivid picture of the other person's
death or absence, in order to be able to appreciate him or her all the more on waking.

= The murderous hostility toward the other person whom one genuinely wants
out of the way, especially after being jilted, after the breakup of a friendship, etc.
Then the dream expresses the desire to forget about that person, relegate him to oblivion.
It might be advisable to keep one's distance.
The ground strewn with dead bodies: = The desire to
eliminate rivals.
Dreaming of oneself as dead: = Fear of life and retreat from it.
As in many other instances, nobody has improved on the interpretation of
Artemidorus or on the way he puts it: 'To dream of death is good for those in
fear, for the dead have no more fears.'
= It has much the same significance as returning to the womb and may result
from a feeling of incompetence, helplessness, disorientation, estrangement, which may
in turn be the same significance as returning to the womb and may result of ignoring,
repressing, rejecting to much of oneself: feeling too responsible
for the way one is made.
Similarly, in waking life a suicidal impulse means a desire to retreat from the
demands of life; Freud thought that fear of heights or open spaces indicated a
suicidal impulse to which the body responded with trembling, fits, etc.
The old self dying: = The death of egotism and self-centeredness.
Lying in a coffin: = Death of the old personality in order to make
way for the birth of the new; liberation.
If rigor mortis has set in: = A constricted, pressured, fearful, and
therefore rigid mental outlook.

The appearance of Death or of someone who is actually dead: = The dreamer can no longer
afford to ignore the fact of his own death. If the figure stares the dreamer in the face:
= Death stares him in the face, though he's been refusing to acknowledge it.

= Frigidity, impotence.

= The death, however, may have other, quite personal associations: for example,
a woman dreamed of the death of yet another relative only in order to see the man
she loved at the funeral again. Or the dreamer may have dreamt a death solely
in order to attract the sympathy that a bereavement would afford him.

DEEP. = The profound.
Deep water, deep cave: = The further recesses of the mind, where
something may have been repressed. The devouring aspects of the Mother Figure
which threatens to swallow one up.
Unplumbed depths:< font color=springgreen> = Womanhood.

DESCENDING. = Weakening, degenerating.
Descending into the earth, a cave, an abyss:
= A necessary descent into the underworld, the unconscious, in order to retrieve
and bring to light certain aspects of one's personality. Also, death.

DESERT. = Isolation, loneliness, or an arid emptiness and desolation within.
A lost paradise.

DRAMA (film, play, television show). = Such performances in a dream
usually depict the drama of the individual's own life, and usually some unpleasant
aspect of it with which he doesn't want to be associated, so he surveys it from a
distance-that is, loses himself in the audience. There may be an element
of looking at one's problems objectively, from a spectator's point of view.

The theatre: = The mind-'the theatre of the mind'-and the action of the play:
what is going on in it. The dream will be an act of introspection.
If the dreamer taking part in the play suddenly doesn't know his lines and
has to improvise: = May be demanding of the individual a more spontaneous attitude to life;
he should meet it's challenges by improvising freely, creatively, rather than being
parrotlike and rigid in his responses or trying to anticipate and prepare
for every event.
The prompter: = Promptings from the unconscious.

The DREAM WITHIN A DREAM. = The dreamer is trying to persuade himself
that something unsavory is only a dream. What would otherwise seem all too real
and meaningful is devalued, reduced to a fantasy, and need not be reckoned with.
This is a way of dismissing what the mind is trying to communicate, or perhaps the
other way round: the mind may know only too well that the one way to get the
individual to recognise unpalatable facts is by making them appear harmless.

DRINK. = The earliest form of nourishment, hence drinking may be hinting
at a tendency or a desire to return to babyhood (especially if drunk from
the mouth of the bottle).

Alcohol. = Dissolves inhibitions, which may release sexual appetites.
= Excitement, intoxication, ecstasy. People also drink to feel younger and more lively.
= Rejuvenation: the water of life; a return to a younger period of life.
Red wine: = Blood. Spilling red wine: = Spilling blood, killing.
Spirits: = The spirit.

Milk. = Semen. Men apparently require a greater proportion than women of liquid
nourishment, while women's intake of solid food is larger.

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