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Garnet comes in a variety of colours,
but the best known is the transparent, deep-red, gemstone variety

Chakra: Root or Heart


Garnet enhances bodily systems,
especially the bloodstream, and it stimulates blood flow. Aligns subtle bodies.
Love, compassion. Enhances imagination. Garnet can provide a sense of
grounding in times of change and upheaval. It will help you feel less depleted at
the completion of tasks. Stimulates Kundalini energy and enhances the flow of
Kundalini from the base to the crown chakras. Promotes balance and a calming
effect when everything seems chaotic.

Green Grossular Garnet

Enhances fertility. Promotes cooperation and communal efforts.

Chakra: Heart.


Quartz-infused chrysocolla which
often exhibits areas of malachite and/or azurite.

Chakra: Throat and Third Eye

Gem Silica

Gem Silica powerfully imparts the
ability to clearly see and verbalise your experience of the world.
It is a master stone which carries Spirit in the form of a dazzling aqua light.
It is more highly evolved than the blue ray stones, and carries the aqua ray
which has not yet been utilised on this planet. However, it is able to be
used by us in place of the blue ray, it's cousin, at the throat and also
at the third eye.
'I am pure spirit,' gem silica says, 'I will assist you in transforming your
reality on all levels. I will assist you in advancing spiritually, mentally
and emotionally, strengthening you. I will help you on your transition from
darkness to light by supporting you and providing you with the love you need
to explore, find and change yourself. I am nurturing, but I also encourage
much work. When you are blocked, I will break through the barrier and create a path
for you to walk. When you have doubts, I will clear away your negativity and
enable you to see the way forward clearly and with certainty.'
Gem Silica beneficially influences the thyroid, vocal chords,
eyes and brain. It is an excellent stone for those passing over as it will
ease their transition.

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