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A layered, green, opaque stone.
It is copper carbonate, hence its intense green colour. Often found with
other copper-based minerals such as azurite and chrysocolla. Will lose its sheen
if soaked in salt water - cleanse by smudging with sandalwood or sage incense.

Chakra: Solar Plexus, Heart


This stone helps you take the initial step
in uprooting fear by assisting in understanding its source. Intense and
probing. Helps you break free from limitations; increases courage and determination
as it dissolves fear and anxiety. Assists in the release of old, limiting patterns.
Vitalising for body and mind. Draws out pain from injuries. A balancer on all levels.
Influences the pancreas and spleen.
Aids tissue regeneration.


The marcasite discussed here is a
tumble-polished Australian stone which is black with streaks of marcasite
appearing as goldish swirls.

Chakra: Crown or Base/Root.


Use at the crown chakra for bringing in the Light.
Despite its mostly dark colour, the golden threads are reminiscent of the cord
that links the spirit to the body in astral travel. When used as a meditation stone,
it will offer you protection from any surrounding negative vibrations.
Hold marcasite in your left hand and feel the stone's energy rising
up your arm to the heart, then up through the throat and third eye to the crown.
Marcasite is a good stone to carry with you to job interviews or meetings
with bureaucrats employed in government departments. The stone will help
surround you with a protective field and leave you feeling calmer and more
able to express yourself.
It is also useful at the base chakra for connecting to the
earth energies. In this respect it is similar to hematite, but with a much gentler
feeling. Excellent for city dwellers who are bombarded with noise and grime
on a daily basis. Marcasite helps you cope. Beneficial to the brain, eyes,
heart and circulatory system. builds immunity.


Mica forms in plate-like layers, scales,
masses and tabular crystals. Colours range from grey, brown and yellow to greens,
reds and purples.

Chakra: According to the colour.

Star Mica

The clusters discussed here are yellow/gold.
They are highly energising, especially for the physical body. Spreads healing energy
very quickly and will do the job of rutilated quartz if it is unavailable.
One problem with star mica is its tendency to crumble. However, just imagine
little platelets of healing energy falling where needed.
Star mica is excellent for developing the intellect and academics could
well use a piece in their classrooms. It also brings an equilibrium to the emotions.
Use it as an elixir for appetite suppression.

Chakra: Solar Plexus Chakra.


A green, glassy tektite material found only in Czechoslovakia.

Chakra: Heart and Third Eye.


Moldavite is a mysterious stone,
about which there have been many debates. Is it a stone which fell to earth,
or is it the result of a meteorite hitting the earth? In any event, it is clear
that moldavite's energies have much to do with space and extraterrestrials.
Some people believe that moldavite has been placed on this world
specifically to assist the Star Children in acclimatising to life in a
physical body on the planet. However, moldavite has been shown to assist
people to make extra-terrestrial contact. It opens the heart chakra and will
often be a catalyst for sudden and important changes in your life, particularly
on an emotional level. Moldavite also opens the third eye and helps deepen insight
during meditation. An excellent stone to use for facilitating astral travel
and communication with spirit guides.


A translucent, milky stone,
which occurs in yellow, peach, grey, colourless and blue.
A potassium aluminium silicate variety of feldspar.

Chakra: According to the colour of the stone.


Moonstone generally assists with
emotional release; it provides the key to maintaining balance and wellness
on all levels. It has a calm, flowing peace that helps restore emotional balance
in everyday experiences. Excellent for understanding dreams about your
emotional state; also assists in sensitive response to the
emotional state of others.

Blue/Grey Moonstone

Healing to the stomach, spleen and pancreas.
relieves anxiety and stress. Emotional balancer and soother which is
helpful for anyone who is over-emotional. Enhances flexible attitudes.
Blue/grey moonstone is useful for women during menstruation to balance hormonal
and emotional activity. It helps men to become more in tune with
their feminine aspect.

Chakra: Heart Chakra.

Orange/Peach Moonstone

Softens the ego, allows more vulnerability,
enhances the giving capacity and creative interpersonal relationships.
Relieves stress. Enhances self-confidence, warmth and nurturing.
Influences the ovaries, spleen, womb, colon and bladder.

Chakra: Navel, Solar Plexus.

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