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Found in rock form with a metallic lustre
that ranges from yellow, green, blue, red and pruple.
Also known as chalcopyrite.

Chakra: All.

Peacock Ore

Use peacock Ore/chalcopyrite for calling in the
colour rays of the upper chakras, from the solar plexus to the crown,
during meditation. It's blue, green and violet sparkling surface will reflect
in turn, depending on your needs. It will ground the colour rays into the
physical body, providing a bathing effect, rather like taking a bath in
soothing blue waters. Aids concentration particularly when there is
learning to be done.
Peacock ore/chalcopyrite is a good stone for clearing the mind of
excess energies and calming jumbled thoughts. Beneficial to the brain,
pineal and pituitary glands.


Also known as olivine. Colours range from yellow-green to olive green. A magnesium iron silicate.

Chakra: Heart or Solar Plexus.


Enhances a feeling of inner joy and lightness.
Opens you to giving and receiving and expressing this joy. Builds
confidence and a feeling of oneness with the world. Accelerates personal growth.
Resonates well with the heart, pancreas, spleen and liver. Reduces stress.
Aids tissue regeneration.


Yellow-green, pale-green, brown-yellow.

Chakra: Heart or Solar Plexus.


Prehnite is an excellent stone for meditation
and relaxation. It balances and enhances the flow of energy along the chakras.
Often used as a relationship stone, to enhance the bonding of personal relationships.
Clears the mind for clarity of thought and expression. Beneficial to the
brain, nerves, bones and cardiovascular system.


A brassy, silver to gold-coloured iron mineral
which occurs in clusters, chunks, cubes, and more rarely as flat, circular plates
often called 'suns' or 'sand dollars'.

Chakra: All.


Pyrite assists with concentration and memory.
It is an excellent stone for students and others who need to remember
new information.
It is also excellent for developing spiritual vision and psychic ability,
and is a good companion for amethyst in this regard as it will help ground
spiritual/psychic understanding and imprint it on your cellular memory.
Pyrite resonates with the energies of the sun and is joyous and uplifting.
Use at the third eye for the purposes of spiritual/psychic development.
Use at the solar plexus for the purpose of enhancing personal and psychic power
and to transmit thought-forms to another or to the universe. Pyrite can be used
at the base chakra and crown chakra simultaneously to open the chakras
to channel and to ground the information received. Can also be used in
combination with fluorite and calcite as part of the Mental Trinity for
learning and understanding. Influences the eyes, brain and bloodstream.

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