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A golden-brown chatoyant stone,
a variety of quartz.

Chakra: Solar Plexus

Tiger Eye

Tiger eye is benefits the spleen and pancreas,
digestive organs and colon. It is an emotional balancer, grounding,
centering, softens stubbornness. Builds a firm foundation for spiritual
expansion. Enhances personal power.


A composite of tiger eye, red jasper and hematite.

Chakra: Solar Plexus, Navel, Base/Root.

Tiger Iron

Tiger iron will powerfully impart the energies
and properties of all three of it's composite stones. In addition it will
enhance creativity, particularly in spiritual pursuits.
It is an excellent stone for meditation for writers and artists who use a
spiritual dimension in their work. Rejuvenates the blood and circulatory
system. Very good for those with low immunity. Promotes the swift healing
of infected wounds. Excellent to use for healing dis-eases such as herpes,
chicken pox, shingles and cold sores. Definitely a stone for motivation
on all levels: career, relationships, getting what you want and need.


Found in blue, clear and golden crystals.
Gold topaz is also called imperial topaz.

Chakra: According to the colour of the stone.


Topaz is excellent for tissue regeneration.
It is an emotional balancer, cooling, soothing, peaceful and tranquil.
Enhances understanding, creativity and self-expression.

Clear Topaz

This stone is uplifting. It assists
understanding, especially in studying and reading.

Chakra: All.

Yellow/Gold Topaz

Helps assimulate new knowledge to use for
practical application. In combination with citrine, it is an excellent stone
for students and researchers.

Chakra: Solar Plexus, Crown.

Blue Topaz

Similar to clear topaz, but with a calmer
and more soothing energy.

Chakra: Throat.

Smoky Topaz

Chakra: Base Chakra.

Grounding and stabilising; this is one of the stones
which can be used during astral travel to come home comfortably to the physical body.
Smoky topaz works on all levels, so it can also be used very much for physical
grounding during times of stress such as job interviews, to assist in clear
thinking and concentration. Also calms emotional upset and upheaval.
Helps you maintain equilibrium when all around seems chaotic and unstable.


Tourmaline comes in many colours.
Blue and blue-green tourmalines are known as indicolite; pink and red as rubellite;
green and red is called watermelon tourmaline; black is also called schorl,
and brown-black is known as dravite. There are also green, lavender,
clear and yellow varieties.

Chakra: According to colour of the stone.


Tourmaline is a powerful healing stone.
It dispels fear and negative influences and has strong proterctive qualities.

Green Tourmaline

Clears emotional pain and confusion.
Soothes worries and calms anxiety. Balances emotional highs and lows.
Regenerative and rejuvenating. Use green tourmaline wands in body layouts,
as the striated crystal structure will assist the flow of energy through the
chakra system. Beneficial to the pituitary gland, nervous system, larynx,
thyroid gland and lungs.

Chakra: Heart.

Pink/Red Tourmaline (Rubellite)

Promotes a detached acceptance.
It has a more energetic and uplifting energy than green tourmaline.
Opens the heart to joy. Enhances perception and insight. Releases fear, guilt,
grief and sorrow. Beneficial to the immune system, heart, circulation,
nerves and endocrine system.

Chakra: Heart.

Watermelon (Green/Pink) Tourmaline

The combination of pink and green tourmaline
means that watermelon tourmaline combines the best of both worlds.
Use it in situations where either green or pink tourmaline is needed.
Helps balance conflicting male and female energies.
Strong protective influence.

Chakra: Heart.

Blue Tourmaline (Indicolite)

Helps in decision making when you are feeling
in conflict about which path to take. Teaches you to value your intuition.
Focuses personal power and helps you point it in the right direction.
Enhances clairvoyance. Strengthens the nervous system.

Chakra: Throat and Third Eye.

Black Tourmaline (Schorl)

Grounding. A very down-to-earth stone which
speaks the truth and assists you to do likewise.
Black tourmaline helps you keep your feet on the ground in both the physical
and metaphysical sense. It is one of the most commonly used grounding stones for
crystal healers.
If you have a tendency to feel light-headed when working with crystals and
other energies, a piece of black tourmaline in your hand, pocket, or between
your feet will help wou remain grounded. Protects against negative energies;
it will deflect these energies back to their source.
Black tourmaline has far-reaching memory. It is excellent for assisting in
bringing up memories hidden deep inside you. Works very much on a cellular level.
Can take you back to the times of Atlantis and Lemuria, gradually bringing
you back through past lives and present reality, clearing and releasing
negative thought patterns as you go and at their first occurrence.
This crystal will help in long-term work, by providing a stability that may
seem lacking in your past. It is excellent for people whose lives are unstable,
for example, people who constantly travel, change relationships, or whose
environment is changing around them.

Chakra: Base.


Opaque sky-blue to blue-green or apple-green stone.
Most often found in matrix with veins of limonite, sandstone, jasper,
and sometimes with malachite or chrysocolla.

Chakra: Heart or Throat.


Turquoise is excellent for tissue regeneration
and for toning and strengthening the physical body. It enhances awareness
of the interconnectedness of life, and one's connection to the mineral, plant
or animal kingdoms. Encourages self-expression, especially when used
at the throat chakra. Promotes emotional balance and peace of mind.
Aids the circulatory and respiratory systems.

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