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22nd June - 23rd July


Cancer is represented by the crab being in nature very protective and
often withdrawing if they feel threatened. Cancer is a water sign and water
represents great sensitivity, emotion and intuition.


People born under the sign of the crab make very caring and emotional friends and
partners. You are sentimental and probably have a collection of birthday cards
or something similar from years ago. Cancer is very protective and sympathetic to those
they love and your intuitive gut feeling is usually right. You must be careful not
to overreact because others might think your a bit touchy as your moods are quite
changeable you can be happy one minute and sad the next. If someone challenges you they
will see your well-tuned defence system, this is your protection because you hurt very
deeply if you remain open. Cancerians are family orientated and the domestic
situation is an important part of your life where your natural supportive and nurturing
talents come to the fore. Your memory is well tuned and you remember important
events and dates easily.


Your excellent business sense and intuition helps you to make good financial
choices. You are hard workers and very good savers, so careers involving money
tend to attract you such as banks, insurance companies etc. You are naturally a
good cook so a career in the food industry where you prepare food for others also
allows you to use your mothering instincts. Child minding or any caring field such
as nursing where you nurture others would be rewarding. Cancer is a water sign and
any career to do with water, fluids or alcohol have an affinity with you. Feelings are
important to you so if the people you work with are kind you probably are happy to
stay in a job less well suited to your nature because the people at work have become
like a second family.


You are very sensual lovers but you must watch your tendency to get upset by remarks
that weren't intended to hurt. Cancer needs plenty of reassurance in a love
relationship and usually feels more secure once you are married and have children
and a home of your own. Your caring ability would make your partner feel special
indeed as you look after their every wish. You must remember you have a tendency to
be a bit controlling and your partner may need more space at times. You're a romantic,
warm and considerate lover who needs a responsive mate.

Health and Vitality

Sensitive by nature any emotional upsets tend to affect your stomach so ulcers,
indigestion and constipation can all cause problems during emotional times.
Your moods tend to fluctuate and depression can cause a problem at some stage.
Natural remedies might suit your sensitive stomach better than anti depressant
drugs. Classes in positive thinking should be another way to keep your attitude positive.
If your emotional life is going well your health seems to follow.


Colours:    Blue, green
Gemstone:    Moonstone
Part of the Body:    Chest, Breast and Stomach
Susceptibility:&nbps;   Aneamia, Depression, Alcohol dependence, Indigestion
Tissue Salt:    Calc Fluor, Calc Phos
Relationship Affinities:    Scorpio, Pisces and Taurus
Relationship Challenges:    Aries, Libra and Capricorn

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