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23rd December - 20th January


The symbol for Capricorn is the goat representing the physical side of life
and denotes the awakening of the physical consciousness through ambition. The
practical world and its material form are the structure you need to feel secure.


Capricorn is an earth sign and earth represents stability, security and the need to
materialise these, so that you can feel secure with yourself. Being practical, serious
and reserved by nature you tend to have a small group of friends that you keep
for many years. Your ruling planet is Saturn, which rules patience, limitations and
practical application and structure. This makes you a reliable, trustworthy person
and it also makes you work hard for any achievements. Counselling at some point
may help you to cope with your inbuilt fear of failure. Highly sensitive underneath,
but this doesn't come to the surface very often, perhaps for fear of rejection.
You tend to show great wisdom for your years and your loyalty can't be matched.


You tend to put your energy into your career where you can see the rewards
for a job well done. Capricorn is the most motivated sign of the zodiac. You
achieve well in the direction that you choose and you don't mind starting at the
bottom and working your way up step by step. Others may see your need to get ahead
a bit daunting and your naturally ambitious nature quite often finds you back in
the office while others are off letting their hair down. Real Estate or careers dealing
with land, buildings of farms seem to attract your need to relate to the earth.
Gardening can be healing and rejuvenating for you. Capricorns don't feel comfortable
changing careers frequently and find security in careers that offer opportunity for
advancement. You are one of the best savers in the zodiac and careers in banking,
finance and building trades tend to attract you.


The typical Capricorn usually prefers a committed relationship after working for
several years, this gives you a chance to save for security sake. Security is most
important and you don't usually get into a relationship with someone who is foot
loose and fancy-free. You tend to marry partners who are financially secure
and uplift your social status. You find it hard to bring your emotions to the surface
so partners can sometimes think you're a bit cold. If you are enjoying a dinner for
two try not to talk about the office the whole time. Leaving space for discussing
emotional issues may help your partner to feel closer to you.

Health and Vitality

Because of a natural low self-esteem you can tend to suffer bouts of depression,
so uplifting friends and sometimes counselling may be needed. Saturn rules the bones
so if you spend long hours sitting you need to exercise those knees and joints.
Teeth and skin can cause problems at some stage and extra calcium and zinc would
be helpful. Your diet is usually fairly good, as you are sensible with food as you
are with the rest of your life.


Colours:    Dark green, Grey
Gemstone:    Turquoise
Part of the Body:    Bones, Joints, Skin, Teeth
Susceptibility:&nbps;   Knee troubles, Skin rashes, Stress, Depression
Tissue Salt:    Calc Phos, Calc Fluor
Relationship Affinities:    Taurus, Virgo and Scorpio
Relationship Challenges:    Aries, Cancer and Libra

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