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A little about me

Hey there, glad you made your way to my site and I hope that you enjoy
looking around and decide to come back again.

Well, a little about me;
I have been consciously on my spiritual path since about 1990 (after many years of
playing in heavy metal and rock bands and having wild times and so much fun), and have found
myself growing and changing in the most positive ways - ways that I never
thought possible.

All my life I have had psychic dreams I just didn't realise it till later.
My first that I remember actually predicted my mother's death when I was 14.
I am so glad that I wasn't aware back then.
I still predict deaths now, but don't see it as the 'curse' as I used to see it.

I have had far too many experiences to mention here but I started on my path, consciously,
when I started going to meditation classes, they slowly but surely changed my life.
One thing lead to another, lead to another that lead to another.
Now I find myself transformed to a calm and peaceful person.

I am now a Reiki Master/Teacher,
a New Age (or Guardian Angel) Reiki Master/Teacher,
a Magnified Healing Master/Teacher,
a R.E.S.E.T. Practitioner,
a Relaxation Masseuse
and a Tasseographer (Tea Leaf Reading),
as well as dabbling here and there with
Tarot, Runes, Crystal Healing and the like.

I have 2 daughters, Shelley and Kahli, who are bound to follow in there Mum's
footsteps eventually. I love animals and have a house full. My 18 year old water
python named Trevor, our dog Shaman, our cat Tiger, our budgies Milk and Cookie
(yeah, I know, long story!), and various fish. Alas my beautiful rats have all
passed on.

At the moment I am getting into the Site Fights which is a lot of fun.
I am fighter Chakeeta with the Soaring Eagles,
Spirit Chakeeta with DPets and DRealm of DSpirit,
Holiday Spirit Sunny Az with DRealm of DSpirit
and staff member Ring Guardian Chakeeta with the Soaring Eagles.

I am also a Receiver Chakeeta for Women Of Strength and Inner Beauty, and am training as an 'Angel' :)

I am also a member with WWAUS (Women With A Unique Soul), and RAOK (Random Acts Of Kindness)

Me (an old pic though)


Hero Guild Name

Villains fear me.
Heroes envy me.

Chakeeta is...
The Bionic ThunderFox



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I live in Ballaarat

and I work as a volunteer at Sovereign Hill as a FOSH (Friends Of Sovereign Hill)

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