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22nd May - 21st June


The symbol for Gemini is the twins, which signifies the dualist nature of those
born under this sign. It is often symbolised by two upright columns, denoting
the gateway to knowledge and the hall of learning.


Gemini is the first air sign in the zodiac. Air signs need intellectual stimulation.
Gemini enjoys talking on the phone and travelling around their local area
to communicate and mix with as many people as possible. They just love all sorts of
communication. If they don't keep moving they will become easily bored. The down
side of this is that they tend to skim the surface of things sometimes missing
the deeper issues. Air signs are logical and rational and sometimes instead of
dealing with emotional or intimate concerns they tend to intellectualise them.
This is a protection ploy that keeps emotions at a distance. Gemini is a mutable sign,
which means they are flexible and adaptable. The native of this sign is friendly,
witty, versatile, diplomatic, inquisitive, perceptive and sometimes critical.
They have a good sense of humour often playing tricks on unsuspecting people.


Gemini prefers jobs that provide variety and movement. Their active minds are busy
collecting, sorting, classifying and analysing. They are especially adept
in careers that gather information and pass it on such as teaching, public speaking,
librarian, postal officer, journalist, publishing and secretarial work.
The have a talent for language and enjoy tricky word banter and are exceptionally
good at spinning a yarn, as they think quickly on their feet and have the ability to
use the right words in any situation. They enjoy games, especially those that
require a quick mental challenge. Their constant restlessness and lack of
concentration means others may see this changeability as fickle, as they can
suffer from an inability to make decisions and stick to them. They really don't' like
to be pinned down and are not beyond dealing on the shady side of the law or
being involved in duplicitous business relationships.


The Gemini native is always attractive and exudes a particular type of magnetism.
They have a wonderful ability to relate to others making them popular partners.
However if they find a relationship less than intellectually stimulating they will
quickly move on. It is important to a Gemini that they can talk and share ideas with
their partner and they learn valuable lessons from their intimate relationships.
Restless is the key word for this duellist sign. Constancy not being a strong suit,
the are perfectly capable of pursuing more than one relationship at a time.
Gemini likes the independence to move on if anyone threatens to tie them down.

Health and Vitality

It is not uncommon with the Gemini busy mind to find them totally exhausted and
perhaps they could suffer a nervous disorder if they take on too much. The Gemini
nature is usually bright and friendly making these people a fun and light hearted
friend. They enjoy new and interesting things and remain childlike even into old age.
They communicate well with children and usually appear younger than their years.


Colours:    Orange, Yellow
Gemstone:    Tourmaline
Part of the Body:    Hands, Arms, Shoulders, Lungs, Nervous System
Susceptibility:&nbps;   Asthma, Bronchitis, Nervous strain or collapse, Arm and shoulder injuries
Tissue Salt:    Kali Mur, Silica
Relationship Affinities:    Libra, Aquarius and Leo
Relationship Challenges:    Sagittarius, Virgo and Pisces

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